Sabrina N, Dana M, Erika K and Connor C. What it is.. Libel is the publication of words, pictures or symbols of false statements or facts that harm another's.

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Presentation on theme: "Sabrina N, Dana M, Erika K and Connor C. What it is.. Libel is the publication of words, pictures or symbols of false statements or facts that harm another's."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sabrina N, Dana M, Erika K and Connor C

2 What it is.. Libel is the publication of words, pictures or symbols of false statements or facts that harm another's reputation.

3 Importance - Student journalists should know this so they don’t use false information. -They know that you can get caught for it and there are punishments. -Avoid damaging someone else's reputation and if you get caught it could ruin your own.

4 Difference Slander is the spoken version of libel. It’s harder to find examples on Slander

5 Example Celebrities complain that the news gossips about them. Kate Hudson and Kate Winslet sued a magazine company for putting false information about their weight and height. Google images Exploring Journalism and the Media

6 Example Avery Doninger was head of a group that planned an event for school and when the principal said it was cancelled and moved to another day she trashed talked the office workers online saying it was their fault. The office found out and she was not allowed to be leader of the group.

7 Ramifications -Punishments vary whether the issue is minor or major (go to court, get sued, get jobs taken away) -Libel often has greater legal consequences

8 Avoid It Research- if you aren’t sure look more into it Don’t vary information Only say what’s on-the-record Don’t add opinions Review your information

9 Quiz What is the difference between libel and slander? Why is slander harder to prove? What are ways you can prevent libel? What types of punishments are there for it?

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