1. 2 Promotion & Advertising Mitzi VanVoorhis DAA Northwest.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 Promotion & Advertising Mitzi VanVoorhis DAA Northwest."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 2 Promotion & Advertising Mitzi VanVoorhis DAA Northwest

3 Promotional Event Branding 3 Why is Brand important to your event? What it is not What it is Gut feeling Reputation

4 Promotional Event Branding 4 Brand Personality Your event as a human Personality traits

5 Promotional Event Branding 5 What | How | Why Almost all companies communicate WHAT in their marketing Some communicate HOW Few communicate WHY

6 Promotional Event Branding 5 The Cause Emotional decision-making Happens in the center of the brain – the thalamus Rational thinking Happens in the less-protected outside areas of the brain – the neocortex

7 Promotional Event Branding 5

8 5 Feeling & Instinct WHAT is neocortex Easy, factual WHY is thalamus Complex Use it strategically in event branding to create evangelists

9 Promotional Event Branding 5

10 4

11 5 The Self Workshop Tyler Borders Consulting Traits Cause

12 Promotional Event Branding 5 Taking your event to the marketplace Tell a clear story Identify WHO (traits) Identify WHY (cause)

13 Promotional Event Branding 12 Additional Information Tyler Borders Consulting – www.tylerborders.comwww.tylerborders.com Simon Sinek – “Start With Why” – Portfolio/Penguin books TED talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sioZd3AxmnEht ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sioZd3AxmnE

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