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Polytheism Deities: ex. Olympic pantheon Beliefs varied from no afterlife to shadowy existence in the underworld to a paradise-like afterlife Human.

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5 Polytheism Deities: ex. Olympic pantheon Beliefs varied from no afterlife to shadowy existence in the underworld to a paradise-like afterlife Human life is subject to the whim of the gods and to Fate; these can be controlled through sacrifice and divination Animal sacrifice, harvest offerings, festivals, games, processions, dance, plays, in honor of the gods

6 Traditional African Religions

7 Traditional Amerindian Religions Many gods Appease and nourish the gods; determine luckiest dates for various activities soul journeys through dark and threatening underworld; but sacrificial victims and women who die in childbirth go to heaven.


9 Hinduism Deity: Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma No founder Sacred Texts: Vedas & the Upanishads Beliefs Soul never dies, continually reborn Persons achieve happiness & enlightenment after they free themselves of earthy desires Freedom from earthy desires comes from lifetime of worship, knowledge, and virtuous acts

10 Jainism Deity: no specific deity Founder: Parshva and Mahavira Sacred Text: Beliefs: regards every living soul as potentially divine path of non-violence to progress the soul to this ultimate goal human beings who rediscover the dharma, become fully liberated

11 Buddhism No deity, but many worship Buddha Founded by Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) Sacred Texts: Tripitaka (Pali Canon); Mahayana sutras like the Lotus Sutra Beliefs Persons achieve happiness & peace (nirvana) after they free themselves of earthy desires Nirvana is reached by following Eightfold Path: Right views, resolve, speech, conduct, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, concentration

12 Confucianism No Deity: Founder: Confucius Sacred Texts: Analects Beliefs Social order, harmony, & good government based on strong family relationships Respect for parents & elders is important to well-ordered society Education is important both to the welfare of the individual and society Purpose of life is to fulfill one's role in society with propriety, honor, and loyalty

13 Daoism Deity: the Tao pervades all Founder: Lao-Tzu Sacred Texts: Tao Te Ching Beliefs Purpose is inner harmony, peace, and longevity. Achieved by living in accordance with the Tao. Tao: road, channel, path, way, doctrine, or line De: the active living, or cultivation, of that "way“ Wu Wei: knowing when to act and when not to act Pu: a state of pure potential and perception without prejudice

14 Legalism Deity: none Founder: Shang Yang Sacred Text: none Beliefs: Fa: law code must be clearly written and made public Shu: Special tactics to be employed by the ruler to make sure others don't take over control of the state Shi: the position of the ruler, not the ruler himself or herself, that holds the power


16 Judaism Deity: God (Yahweh) Founder: Abraham Sacred Text: Torah Beliefs: One God who watches over and cares for his people God holds his people responsible for their sins & shortcomings People serve God by studying the Torah and serving God

17 Christianity Deity: God Founder: Jesus Christ / St. Paul Sacred Text: The Bible Beliefs: One God who watches over and cares for his people Jesus is the son of God He died for the sins of others His death and Resurrection made the eternal life possible for others

18 Islam Deity: God (Allah) Founder: Muhammad Sacred Text: The Koran (Qur’an) Beliefs: Five Pillars of Islam Believe in one God & Muhammad as his prophet 5 daily prayers Giving charity to the poor Fasting during Ramadan Hajj: once in a life time pilgrimage to Mecca Live a just life


20 What is a Universal Religion ? Began as a local faith Expand outwards adopting other peoples Adopt ideas of these peoples Buddhism – Daoism, Hinduism, Traditional East & Southeast religions Christianity – Greek philosophy, Zoroastrianism, Islam – Zoroastrianism, Christianity

21 Early Beginnings Buddhism, Christianity, & Islam all found themselves persecuted early in their lives Buddhists: by Hindus Christians: by polytheistic Romans Muslims: by polytheistic Arabs Often exert strong political control over their nations Buddhism – Ashoka & the Mauryan Dynasty in India Christianity – Clovis and the Franks across Europe Islam – the Umayyad Dynasty across Middle East & N. Africa

22 Missionaries member of a religion who works to convert those who do not share the missionary's faith Leading Missionary Religions Christianity Islam Buddhism The spread of these faiths changed them as they encountered Adopt some of cultures of people being taken in to make it more palpable

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