Two names Hebrew Saul until Ac.13:9... Latin Paul afterwards.

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Presentation on theme: "Two names Hebrew Saul until Ac.13:9... Latin Paul afterwards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Two names Hebrew Saul until Ac.13:9... Latin Paul afterwards

2 I. Saul

3 Born in Tarsus of Cilicia, Ac.21:39 Trading center; known for manufacture of goats’ hair cloth (cf. Ac.18:3) Jewish law: boy began study of Scripture at age five. But... “Excellent is Torah study together w. worldly business, for all Torah w/o work must fail at length, and occasion iniquity.”


5 Education: Gamaliel Most illustrious rabbi of the day, Ac.22:3 Indicates Paul’s ability, and emphasis of his parents

6 Appearance (Ac.14) Barnabas: Zeus, chief of gods Paul: Hermes, messenger of gods  2 Co.10:10 1. Sickness can harm appearance, Ga.4:13-15; 2 Co.12:7-10 2. Physical abuse can damage body, Ga.6 3. Paul’s emphasis (2 Co.4:16-18)

7 Roman citizen Ac.22:28. Yet, Ph.3:5 Pharisee Ac.23:6. Ph.3:3, 5

8 Persecutor No one hated Jesus more than Saul… Church threatened everything he held sacred Introduction: Ac.7:58 Goal: rid world of Christians, Ac.8-9 Success: Ga.1:13-14 Introduction: Ac.7:58 Goal: rid world of Christians, Ac.8-9 Success: Ga.1:13-14

9 “How to explain difference in Gamaliel (Ac.5:34-39) and Saul?” By time Saul begins his persecution, Stephen enters the scene, Ac.6-7 Nu.25, Phinehas His message threatens the foundations of Judaism

10 Sincere Ac.26:9-11  Always did what he thought was right  Changed when he learned better

11 Single Ac.26:10  Prove Paul had been married? Earliest information comes from Akiba, late 1 st – early 2 nd centuries AD  Implies it was not binding before this time 1 Co.7:8

12 I. Saul II. Paul

13 1. Conversion, Ac.9, 22, 26 Luke: Ac.9 (historical) Paul: Ac.22, 26 (explanatory)

14 2. Determined to undo past damage Ac.9:20-22 (Ga.1:15-16) Ga.1:17, Arabia (Ac.9:22-23) Three yrs. later: Jerusalem (Ga.1:18; Ac.22:17-21; 9:30)

15 Ac.9:26-29 In Jerusalem, Paul now held up the banner that Stephen so faithfully defended. Cf. 22:20

16 Ac.9:1-18 Ga.1:17; Ac.9:22-23 Ac.22:17-21 Ac.9:30

17 3. Humbled by his past Least of apostles, 1 Co.15:9 Least of all saints, Ep.3:7-8 Greatest of all sinners, 1 Tim.1:15 Least of apostles, 1 Co.15:9 Least of all saints, Ep.3:7-8 Greatest of all sinners, 1 Tim.1:15

18 4. Apostle to Gentiles Ro.11:13; Ga.2:9 Ac.15:7-9, Gentiles: saved by faith Therefore: circumcision unnecessary *Ac.15, Luke: historical *Ga.2, Paul: personal (5:6) Ac.15:7-9, Gentiles: saved by faith Therefore: circumcision unnecessary *Ac.15, Luke: historical *Ga.2, Paul: personal (5:6)

19 5. Preaching journeys About 7000 miles, not counting...  Trip to Rome  Later travels (1 Tim., Tit.) 1 st journey: Ac.13-14

20 First preaching journey: Ac.13-14 Paul’s first recorded convert of this trip: Ac.13:6-12  Sergius Paulus: Roman proconsul  Parallels Cornelius (also 11:19-20)

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