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Introduction to ESDS International Jack Kneeshaw ISSP/ESS workshop, 11 April 2008 ESDS International.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to ESDS International Jack Kneeshaw ISSP/ESS workshop, 11 April 2008 ESDS International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to ESDS International Jack Kneeshaw ISSP/ESS workshop, 11 April 2008 ESDS International

2 Economic and Social Data Service > provides access and support for key economic and social data > distributed service, bringing together centres of expertise in data creation, dissemination, preservation and use > core archiving services plus four specialist data services

3 ESDS International provides free web-based access to key international macro level databanks helps users locate and acquire international micro level datasets promotes the use of international datasets in research and teaching across a range of disciplines is run by MIMAS at the University of Manchester and the UK Data Archive at the University of Essex

4 International macro data

5 Macro international data providers International Monetary Fund (IMF) Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) United Nations (UN) World Bank Eurostat International Labour Organisation (ILO) UK Office for National Statistics International Energy Agency

6 International data themes Databanks cover: economic performance and development trade, industry and markets employment demography, migration and health governance human development social expenditure education science and technology land use and the environment energy

7 International micro data

8 Survey data ESDS International holds, or guides users towards accessing, several key international survey datasets, including: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions datasets Eurobarometer Survey Series European Social Survey International Social Survey Programme European and World Values Surveys European Election Study Latinobarómetro Young Lives Each study is supported by its own user guide at:

9 Eurofound Eurofound is an EU body, whose role is to provide information, advice and expertise on living and working conditions in Europe > European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) Examines a range of issues, such as employment, income, education, housing, family, health, work-life balance, life satisfaction and perceived quality of society. > European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) Provides an overview on the state of working conditions throughout Europe, as well as indicating the nature and content of changes affecting the workforce and the quality of work. > Establishment Survey on Working Time and Work- Life Balance (ESWT) Aims to map working time policies and practices and to survey the views of the different actors on these policies and practices.

10 Eurobarometer Programme of cross-national and cross- temporal comparative social research, designed to monitor social and political attitudes Carried out bi-annually since the early 1970s Coverage across all EU member states Most EBs are made available to analyse and download online (registration required) via ZACAT:

11 European Social Survey Biennial multi-country survey covering over 30 nations which aims to measure and explain trends in attitudes, beliefs and values across European nations Access via ESS Data Archive web site (registration required) is free of charge and provided by the Norwegian Social Science Data Services Users can currently access data and documentation from rounds 1, 2 and 3 ESS Data Archive:

12 International Social Survey Programme Continuing (since 1983) annual programme of cross-national collaboration on surveys covering topics important for social science research Each survey has a special focus, e.g. the environment; the role of government; social inequality; social support; family and gender issues; work orientation; the impact of religious background, behaviour and beliefs on social and political preferences; national identity ISSP data are made available to analyse and download online (registration required) via ZACAT:

13 European/World Values Surveys Designed to enable a cross-national, cross-cultural comparison of values and norms on a wide variety of topics and to monitor changes in values and attitudes across the globe. The surveys provide data from representative national samples of the publics of more than 80 countries and cover a full range of social, economic, cultural and religious variation. To date four waves have been conducted in 1981-1984, 1990-1993, 1995-1997, and 1999-2004; responses have been integrated into one dataset, to facilitate time series analysis Access (registration required): >Bancos de Datos ASEP/JDS web site: >European Values Study web site: >World Values Survey web site:

14 European Election Study Focus on electoral participation and voting behaviour in European Parliament elections Six studies so far: 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999 and 2004 Open access to recent studies via

15 Latinobarómetro Annual (since 1995) public opinion survey, conducted in 18 countries in Latin America, representing more than 400 million people Annual data collection involves around 19,000 interviews with the same survey instrument employed in all countries, allowing methodological and cross-national comparisons to be made Access for ESDS-registered users via ESDS International web site: nobarometer.asp nobarometer.asp

16 Young Lives Longitudinal birth cohort survey, focusing on childhood in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam Since 2002, has followed 2000 children in each country and will continue to do so until children aged 15 years Data collections – quantitative and qualitative – every 3 years Data for wave 1 only available via ESDS – wave 2 due to be released end of 2008/start of 2009

17 Tour of the web pages: Data, support, news and events

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