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WILD 5200-7200 International Issues in Conservation.

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1 WILD 5200-7200 International Issues in Conservation

2 Amphibian means “double life” Juvenile stage Adult stage Moist skin for gas exchange Order Anura (frogs & toads) Mostly external reproduction Sound reception: tympanum Sound production: larynx Types of calls include rain, advertisement, courtship, release, alarm

3 Order Anura Family Bufonidae Bufo garmani Interesting facts: Adults 10 cm long Dark brown patches on back Inner legs colored red Eats insects Breeds in pans

4 Order Anura Family Rhacophoridae Chiromantis xerampelina Interesting facts: Adults 5-9 cm long Rough grey to tan w/ spots Appears pale in sunlight Foreleg fingers arranged in opposite pairs for gripping Nests in trees overhanging pans

5 Dry, horny skin Modified scales & plates Turtles, tortoises, terrapins have shells Ectothermic Constant intake of food Dormant in cold weather Reproduction Internal fertilization Eggs to live births

6 Order Squamata Family Chamaeleonidae Chamaeleo dilepsis Interesting facts: Adults 20 cm long Most green, some brown When stressed, change to very dark colors Eat insects Eyes move independently of of one-another

7 Order Squamata Family Gekkonidae Ptenupus garrulus Interesting facts: Adults 12 cm long Mottled orange w/ dark spots Vocalizations sound like barks Eat insects Terrestrial, nocturnal

8 Order Testudines Family Testudinidae Stigmochelys pardalis Interesting facts: Largest terrestrial tortoise in southern Africa Eat grass, berries, fruit Eat animal feces & chew on bones for calcium Live 100+ years Weigh up to 40 lbs

9 Order Squamata Family Varanidae Varanus albigularis Interesting facts: Rivers to rocky terrain 1-1.5m long Eat puff adders, reptiles, birds, eggs Order Squamata Family Varanidae Varanus albigularis Interesting facts: Rivers & streams 1-1.5+ m long Eat Crabs, snails, fish, birds, eggs

10 Order Squamata Family Pythonidae Python natalensis Interesting facts: African Rock Python 2.5-5 m long Constrictor Mainly eat mammals Heat-receptor cells on upper lip help sense prey

11 Order Squamata Family Psammophiidae Psammophis subtaeniatus Interesting facts: Mildly Venomous 1-1.4 m long Brown/tan stripes along back, spotted head Yellow stripe on belly Very fast, terrestrial, hides in bushes

12 You MUST know these animals for your SAFETY!!!

13 Order Crocodylia Family Crocodylidae Crocodylus niloticus Interesting facts: Adults 4-5 meters long Live 80+ years 12 km/hr on land 66 teeth Temperature dependent sex determination Eat frogs, turtles, fish, and the occasional antelope


15 You MUST know these animals for your SAFETY!!!

16 Haemotoxic Stops blood from coagulating Cytotoxic Tissue destruction around bite w/ localized bleeding Neurotoxic Hampers nervous system, paralyzes muscles, breathing difficulties, nausea, vomiting

17 Order Squamata Family Elapidae Dendroaspis polylepis Interesting facts: Neurotoxic Fixed-front fang 2.5-3.5 m long Gunmetal grey, coffin- shaped head 12 km/hr Aggressive when provoked: raise head and spread narrow hood

18 Order Squamata Family Elapidae Naja mossanbica Interesting facts: Neurotoxic/Cytotoxic Fixed-front fang 1-1.5 m long Grey-salmon pink in color Black horizontal band on underside of neck/hood When provoked, may spit venom – can blind if in eyes Spit up to 2-3 meters

19 Order Squamata Family Colubridae Dispholidus typus Interesting facts: Haemotoxic Back-fanged Arboreal 1-2 m long Females brown, males green Large eyes Eats chameleons, birds, eggs

20 Order Squamata Family Viperidae Bitis arietans Interesting facts: Cytotoxic Hinged-front fang 1 m long Highly camouflaged Brown body with horizontal v-shaped brown stripes When provoked, puff up bodies and make a hissing sound Good swimmers

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