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Done by: Low Kai Sheng, Bryan 2A3(14) Tang Kwan Hou 2A3 (23) Xiao Songyuan 2A3 (27) Chua Tsao Harn 2A3 (4)

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Presentation on theme: "Done by: Low Kai Sheng, Bryan 2A3(14) Tang Kwan Hou 2A3 (23) Xiao Songyuan 2A3 (27) Chua Tsao Harn 2A3 (4)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Done by: Low Kai Sheng, Bryan 2A3(14) Tang Kwan Hou 2A3 (23) Xiao Songyuan 2A3 (27) Chua Tsao Harn 2A3 (4)

2  Flowers  Ferns  Non-Flowering Plant  Reflections

3  Scientific Name: Bougainvillea Glabra  Pollinators: Insects

4  No scent  Some flowers only has male or female flowers only  Male parts do not protrude out of flower  Bisexual flowers’ anthers is positioned below the stigmas  Petals are brightly-coloured  Petals large, conspicuous  Nectar guides are present  Cross-Pollinated

5  Scientific Name: Ixora chinensis  Pollinators: Insects

6  No scent  Stigmas and anthers not clearly visible; hence not protruding out of flower  Ants and Butterflies seen around the flowers  Petals are brightly coloured  Petals are large and conspicuous  Cross-pollinated

7  Scientific Name:  Pollinators: Insect

8  Scientific Name:  Pollinators: Wind

9  No scent  Extremely small  Petals are white and not conspicuous or large  Male and female parts extremely small  Pollen grains significantly small  Stigma is positioned above the anthers  Cross-pollinated

10  Scientific Name: Hymenocallis Latifolia  Pollinators: Wind

11  White-coloured petals  No scent  Large but not conspicuous petals  Bisexual flowers  Male and female parts protruding out of flower; they are pendulous  Nectar guides are absent  Pollen grains are extremely small  Cross-pollinated

12  Scientific Name: Pyrrosia piloselloides  Reproduce by spores

13  Creeper  Climbing up a tree  Oval-shaped leaves  No petals

14  Scientific Name: Asplenium nidus  Reproduce by spores

15  Common Fern  Spore bags can be observed under the leaves of the plant  No petals  Leaves were spread out wide

16  Scientific Name: Cyrtostachys Renda  Reproduces by propagation (Stem)

17 This Science Trail has definitely given me quite an exciting and thrilling experience because it allows me to personally experience myself and explore the plants and their parts hands-on myself. It is definitely a novelty to get to do these hands-on experience and I hope that I can get to participate in more of these Science Trails. It has indeed enlightened me a lot as it allowed me to get to know about the variety of plants and their names which enriched my knowledge and curiosity towards nature. This also allows me to know the wide variety of plants our school has. This is surely an excellent opportunity for learning for everyone.


19 I think that this ACE project is meaningful to me as I have known more about other flowers and plant species that I rarely see in my daily life. Through these close observations of these flowers and plants, my interest in these beautiful living things has became stronger too. In the future, if I have the chance, I would like to work on such ACE projects too, since I would have more opportunities to be in close contact with these plants and flowers that we normally do not look closely on. Lastly, this ACE project let me known much more things about these plant species, and also their anatomy.

20 Overall, I feel that this project is beneficial for me because it gives me a hands-on chance to handle real flowers instead of just learning about them. Our lessons would have been too boring if we were to just read notes and do worksheets all day. If I have a chance, I would do another Science Project like this again even if I do not choose Science as a subject for ACE


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