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Rock Test 1 Write down details on each rock as seen under PPL and XPL on the worksheets provided for you ; then identify the rock type (igneous/ sedimentary/metamorphic)

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Presentation on theme: "Rock Test 1 Write down details on each rock as seen under PPL and XPL on the worksheets provided for you ; then identify the rock type (igneous/ sedimentary/metamorphic)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rock Test 1 Write down details on each rock as seen under PPL and XPL on the worksheets provided for you ; then identify the rock type (igneous/ sedimentary/metamorphic) and name the rock. under PPL and XP grain type (crystalline or fragmental) grain size (coarse, medium, fine) grain shape (rounded, angular, variable) grain relationships (grains/crystals of similar size; large crystals in fine matrix; grains/crystals randomly distributed; crystals lined up in one direction) minerals present (identified by & % in rock) other features (fossils present, muddy matrix, glass) colour under PPL (mainly light or dark) colour under XPL (mainly grey/black or brightly coloured)

2 The ROCKS to choose from : (not given in this order)
granite diorite gabbro dolerite basalt shelly limestone sandstone arkose greywacke marble schist

3 PPL XPL Rock 1

4 PPL XPL Rock 2

5 PPL XPL Rock 3

6 PPL XPL Rock 4

7 PPL XPL Rock 5

8 PPL XPL Rock 6 has been rotated 40o in XPL view

9 PPL XPL Rock 7

10 PPL XPL Rock 8

11 PPL XPL Rock 9

12 PPL XPL Rock 10

13 PPL XPL Rock 11

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