Shakespeare’s Othello. Setting Shakespeare’s tragic play Othello begins in Venice During Shakespeare’s time, Venice was a cosmopolitan center of international.

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1 Shakespeare’s Othello

2 Setting Shakespeare’s tragic play Othello begins in Venice During Shakespeare’s time, Venice was a cosmopolitan center of international trade Venice was more relaxed in its rules, similar to how Las Vegas is seen today

3 Setting, continued... The play later changes its setting to Cyprus, a Republic between Greece and Turkey In Othello, Cyprus is a stronghold in the war against the Turks. As a setting, Cyprus also provides isolation for the characters

4 Major Themes Appearance versus Reality – Shakespeare often asks his audience whether or not they should accept things based on face value – Throughout the play, certain characters portray themselves as something they are not for their own gain

5 Racial Prejudice/Otherness Othello is a black man in a white man’s world His ‘otherness’ is often exploited by those around him Before we even meet Othello, he is negatively stereotyped based on his color

6 Interpersonal Relationships Unlike Macbeth, which focuses on relationships of power, such as who will be the next king, Othello focuses on the complexity of interpersonal relationships Jealousy, lust and deception prove to be detrimental emotions that can destroy personal relationships

7 Motifs Animal imagery – This motif underscores the theme of Racial Prejudice – Othello is often referred to in animalistic terms Other motifs to watch for are: – Dark versus Light – Demon and Monster imagery

8 Dramatis Personae Othello  The play’s protagonist and tragic hero  A noble moor in service of the Venetian state  In Shakespeare’s time, a Moor was the name for anyone of North African descent, usually from the Moroccan region

9 Iago Othello’s ancient ( a military rank below lieutenant ) The antagonist and villain of the play Iago professes his distaste in being passed up for the lieutenant position in the beginning of Act 1

10 Cassio Othello’s lieutenant Although younger and more inexperienced than Iago, he is above his command in Othello’s army Bianca Cassio’s mistress in Cyprus

11 Desdemona – Othello’s wife – Daughter of the Venetian senator Brabantio Emilia – Iago ’s wife, she is distrustful of her husband – Desdemona’s attendant

12 Roderigo – A jealous suitor of Desdemona – Gives Iago money to help him woo her from Othello

13 Other Characters... Duke of Venice Gratiano ( Brabantio’s brother ) Lodovico ( Brabantio’s relative ) Mantano ( Othello’s predecessor - Cyprus) Clown ( Othello’s servant )

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