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Kodu Final Presentation Team Members: Kenzie, Carson, and Katherine.

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Presentation on theme: "Kodu Final Presentation Team Members: Kenzie, Carson, and Katherine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kodu Final Presentation Team Members: Kenzie, Carson, and Katherine

2 Pros and Cons Pros: Movement It was easy if you know controls, and it was easy to insert items. Sound The choosing tables were in plain sight which helped a lot when we had to find it, and listening and choosing the sounds was a fast task. Background and Sequencing It was very easy to insert a solid color background and a scene background, once you found out how to delete and change things. Cons: Movement Sometimes we got confused when it came to moving the character around the screen. Many times we got left and right mixed up. Sound It was extremely complicated when it came to making the character talk. We didn’t know how to put voice in, and there were no tutorials or buttons showing how to do it. Background and Sequencing Many times it was hard to find the choosing table for the backgrounds, and when you wanted to change the background from one to another, you had to delete the present background, and go through the choosing process all over again.

3 Screen Shots of Kodu

4 Kodu Game Lab Kodu Game Lab can be easy to use, it is easy to add landforms in the Kodu ‘world’. We added a big mountain in our world and all you had to do is scroll up with the mouse when in the landform mode. It is easy if you know the controls and where the choosing tables are. It can be complicated at first, but when you try a couple of times you get the hang of it.

5 Our Tool Ratings Background import: Easy/Medium- Background importing was easy to medium because at times it was hard to find the choosing tables and menus, but after finding them, you just had to click the one you want, and the one you clicked would show up on the screen. Movement: Easy- Movement was easy to use because the only thing you had to do to move the Kodu character was use the circle pad on the controller either left, right, up, or down and the Kodu guy would walk in that direction. Sound: Medium/Hard- Sound was medium to hard because most of the time, we were clueless. We couldn’t find the menu for sound anywhere, and when we did, many times it wouldn’t let us in for some reason. When it came to choosing the sounds I was pretty easy. But there was a lot of switching and deleting involved.

6 The Future of Kodu

7 OUR RATING Overall, we rate Kodu game design website a three out of five stars.

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