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Rgu: Information management Management of target student numbers Working group.

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Presentation on theme: "Rgu: Information management Management of target student numbers Working group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rgu: Information management Management of target student numbers Working group

2 Rgu: Information management Agenda Analysis and Evaluation Objectives and Outcomes Workshop Activity Review Findings

3 Rgu: Information management Analysis Student Statistics Current Processing

4 Rgu: Information management Analysis Financial Services Current Processing

5 Rgu: Information management Evaluation – current issues Lack of clarity on how the targets collected contribute to funding allocations. Significant manual effort in preparing for and carrying out data collection. Lack of visibility on the targets collected due the use of spreadsheets. Significant manual effort on reporting on targets against actual enrolments due to lack of system integration. Lack of clarity on the procedure for agreeing, authorising and updating target student numbers. Calculation of FTEs and serviced FTEs from the target student numbers is complicated by the quality and availability of underlying data.

6 Rgu: Information management Evaluation - recommendations Business Process Review and Improvement Agreed central repositories for target numbers, courses, modules and fees Web application to facilitate collection, authorisation and updates to target numbers Consider automation of process for production of FTEs, FTE attribution and income forecasting Provision of data in a Warehouse to allow for reporting of targets along with other strategic information

7 Rgu: Information management Objectives To provide information to support target setting To enable performance monitoring To facilitate evidence based forecasting of student numbers To provide scenario modelling capability

8 Rgu: Information management Outcomes Agreed business process for setting, authorising and updating targets Identify inputs and outputs at each stage of the process Identify roles and responsibilities at each stage of the process Identify stages of the process to automate -> detailed requirements specification Agreed business rules and definitions

9 Rgu: Information management Workshop Activity 1.How do targets drive decision making? 2.What targets do we need to set? 3.What processes are driven by targets? 4.What information do we need to inform target setting? 5.How do we achieve ownership of targets? 6.At what level should student number targets be set? 7.Other questions???

10 Rgu: Information management

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