Jessica Tsimeris Supervisor: Bruce Thomas Wearable Computer Lab

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1 Visual Cues For The Instructed Arrangement of Physical Objects Using Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR)
Jessica Tsimeris Supervisor: Bruce Thomas Wearable Computer Lab University of South Australia

2 What is Augmented Reality?
Properties of Augmented Reality: Blends real and virtual, in a real environment Real time interactive Registered in 3D [thus, the real and virtual objects are aligned] Azuma et al (2001)

3 What is Augmented Reality?
Typically requires Head Mounted Devices (HMDs). Differs from Virtual Reality because: Virtual Reality suppresses the real world Augmented Reality enhances the real world Raskar et al (2005)

4 What is Spatial Augmented Reality?
Branch of AR The paradigm was introduced in 1998 by Raskar et al Enhances the real world with virtual objects which are integrated into the real world. Projectors Flat panel displays etc

5 Advantages of SAR Users don’t have to wear a head mounted device or hold a device Allows the object to be rendered at the real world location Better for the human eye

6 Advantages of SAR Multiple user interaction can be achieved without multiple HMDs or mobile devices The visual fidelity of a physical object is unchanged, only the augmentations are rendered with lesser quality.

7 Advantages of SAR Allows for larger, brighter, higher resolution virtual objects Therefore allowing: Increased integration into the real world Increased immersion Improved user interaction Not restricted to a low resolution Mobile devices

8 Previous Work Shaderlamps, projection of textures onto scaled buildings and other real objects Raskar et al (1999)

9 Previous Work The BUILD-IT system, a virtual object is manipulated via physical object manipulation Fjeld (1999)

10 Previous Work Virtual Object Manipulation in Virtual Worlds
Multimodal – speech and gestures, Irawati et al (2006) Kato et al (2000) addressed a similar problem, but not multimodal Virtual Object Manipulation in Real Worlds Arrange virtual objects, surround user in a sphere, Webster et al (1996) Wang et al (2007) addressed a similar problem, but not limited to a sphere

11 Research Question What are the appropriate Spatial Augmented Reality visual cues to instruct a user on how to arrange physical objects?

12 Example Use A stagehand has to arrange sets in a theatre. They would like to rearrange the current sets and include new sets The system could tell him what objects to move and the order in which to move them

13 Methodology To arrange the physical objects, the following instructions will be performed: Rotate Translate (move)

14 Methodology – Translation Instruction
A circle is projected at the centre of the current location and another is displayed at the centre of the destination location A line between the circles shows a path from the current position to the destination

15 Methodology – Translation Instruction
The projection updates as the user moves the physical object The object is successfully translated when the circles overlap

16 Methodology – Translation Instruction
Dotted shape is the destination position Solid shape is the current position of the object

17 Methodology – Translation Instruction
Dotted shape is the destination position Solid shape is the current position of the object

18 Methodology – Translation Instruction
Dotted shape is the destination position Solid shape is the current position of the object

19 Methodology – Rotation Instruction
A line from the centre of the object is displayed to indicate the current rotation, and another line is displayed to indicate the destination rotation A circle is projected at the end of each line

20 Methodology – Rotation Instruction
The projection updates as the user rotates the physical object The object is successfully rotated when the circles overlap

21 Methodology – Rotation Instruction
Dotted shape is the destination position Solid shape is the current position of the object

22 Methodology – Rotation Instruction
Dotted shape is the destination position Solid shape is the current position of the object

23 Methodology – Rotation Instruction
Dotted shape is the destination position Solid shape is the current position of the object

24 Methodology – Visual Cues
Most used the translation and rotation instructions as described

25 Methodology – Visual Cues
Most used the translation and rotation instructions as described

26 Methodology – Visual Cues
Most used the translation and rotation instructions as described

27 Methodology – Visual Cues
Most used the translation and rotation instructions as described

28 Implementation Camera Projector Tracking SAR Module ARToolKitPlus

29 Implementation Two Dimensional Environment
To arrange 2D representations of the physical objects from a top-down view. Arrangement can then be performed on the corresponding physical objects using SAR cues. Can be used for remote object arrangement

30 Implementation Object Arrangement Process
Revisit incorrect instructions.

31 Implementation

32 Implementation

33 Implementation

34 Implementation

35 Implementation

36 User Study Nine visual cues to arrange objects One without using SAR
Eight visual cue variations

37 User Study Task Completion Time Accuracy User Opinion (survey)

38 Results The cue that didn’t use SAR was the second slowest

39 Results The cue that didn’t use SAR had the least accurate x axis arrangements

40 Results The cue that didn’t use SAR had the least accurate y axis arrangements

41 Results The cue that didn’t use SAR had the least accurate rotation

42 Results 95% of participants preferred Task 2 (Translation First) over the manual arrangement

43 Results 75% of participants preferred visual cues that utilised a square projection over visual cues that utilised a wireframe projection

44 Results Visual cues that displayed both rotation and translation at the same time were most preferable.

45 Conclusion SAR visual cues have been developed that are:
Faster than a manual arrangement technique More accurate for x axis translation More accurate for y axis translation More accurate for rotation Preferred over a manual arrangement technique

46 Improved Visual Cue Development of a new visual cue that took the user study results into account, particularly: Square Cues were quicker One of the Square Cues was the most accurate cue Participants preferred seeing both translation and rotation at the same time More intuitive Participants ranked the square cues highly Legible, less cluttered

47 Improved Visual Cue Developed from results of the user study

48 Improved Visual Cue Developed from results of the user study

49 Improved Visual Cue Developed from results of the user study

50 Improved Visual Cue Developed from results of the user study

51 Improved Visual Cue Developed from results of the user study

52 Improved Visual Cue Developed from results of the user study

53 Improved Visual Cue Developed from results of the user study

54 Improved Visual Cue Developed from results of the user study

55 Improved Visual Cue Developed from results of the user study

56 Improved Visual Cue Developed from results of the user study

57 Future Work The order in which the objects will be arranged
Better tracking Formal evaluation of the new visual cue Multiple cameras and projectors Testing scalability

58 References Azuma, R 1997, ‘A Survey of Augmented Reality’, Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, vol. 6, no. 4, pp Bimber, O & Raskar, R 2005, Spatial Augmented Reality: Merging Real and Virtual Worlds, AK Peters, Ltd, Wellesley, MA. Fjeld, M, Voorhorst, F, Bichsel, M, Lauche, M, Rauterberg, M & Krueger, H 1999, 'Exploring Brick-Based Navigation and Composition in an Augmented Reality', Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 1707, pp Irawati, S, Green, S, Billinghurst, M, Duenser, A & Ko, H 2006, '"Move the Couch Where?": Developing an Augmented Reality Multimodal Interface', Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Proceedings of the 5th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, pp Kato, H, Billinghurst, M, Poupyrev, K, Imamoto, K & Tachibana, K 2000, 'Virtual Object Manipulation on a Table-Top AR Environment', Human Interface, pp Raskar, R & Low, K-L 2001, Interacting With Spatially Augmented Reality, ACM, Camps Bay, Cape Town, South Africa, pp Wang, X & Gong, Y 2007, Augmented Virtuality Space: Enriching Virtual Design Environments with Reality, Brisbane, Australia. Webster, A, Feiner, S, MacIntyre, B, Massie, W & Krueger, T 1996, Augmented Reality in Architectural Construction, Inspection, and Renovation.

59 Questions?

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