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Bellwork – September 26 Cities draw immigrants with the promise of higher living standards. City residents have greater access to health care, more employment.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork – September 26 Cities draw immigrants with the promise of higher living standards. City residents have greater access to health care, more employment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork – September 26 Cities draw immigrants with the promise of higher living standards. City residents have greater access to health care, more employment and opportunity, and access to more social and cultural events. For all the advantages of city life, however, poverty casts a shadow over the urban future. A great number of people in urban areas are threatened by homelessness, health hazards, and violence among other things. These may affect a portion of the city population directly, but their indirect effects are felt by the whole society. Cities draw immigrants with the promise of higher living standards. City residents have greater access to health care, more employment and opportunity, and access to more social and cultural events. For all the advantages of city life, however, poverty casts a shadow over the urban future. A great number of people in urban areas are threatened by homelessness, health hazards, and violence among other things. These may affect a portion of the city population directly, but their indirect effects are felt by the whole society. What is a disadvantage of city life? What is a disadvantage of city life? a. Widespread poverty b. Less cultural events c. Lack of access to healthcare d. Fewer employment opportunities

2 Swat Review

3 1. On a map, what shows the distance from one location to another?  Scale  Title  Compass Rose  Key/Legend

4 2. On a map, what tells the purpose of the map?  Scale  Title  Compass Rose  Key/Legend

5 3. On a map, what explains the symbols and colors?  Key/Legend  Compass  Title  Scale

6 4. On a map, what shows the direction?  Title  Scale  Key/Legend  Compass

7 5. North, South, East, and West are known as?  Directions  Compass Rose  Intermediate Directions  Cardinal Directions

8 6. In which direction is the arrow moving?  Southeast  Southwest  Northeast  Northwest

9 7. What type of map shows elevation?  Political Map  Special Purpose Map  Physical Map  Road Map

10 8. What type of map has contour lines?  Physical Map  Topographical Map  Political Map  Road Map

11 9. What type of map would you use when traveling to another state?  Physical Map  Political Map  Road Map  Topographical Map

12 10. Which direction does Latitude run?  East and West  North and South  Southwest and Northeast  Perpendicular

13 11. Which direction does Longitude run?  Northwest and Southeast  Parallel  East and West  North and South

14 12. Which direction does Latitude measure?  East and West  North and South  Southwest and Northeast  Perpendicular

15 13. Which direction does Longitude measure?  Northwest and Southeast  Parallel  East and West  North and South

16 14. What line is found at 23.5* North?  Tropic of Cancer  Arctic Circle  Tropic of Capricorn  Antarctic Circle

17 15. What line is found at 66.5* South?  Arctic Circle  Tropic of Cancer  Antarctic Circle  Tropic of Capricorn

18 16. What is found at 90* South?  North Pole  South Pole  Equator  Prime Meridian

19 17. What is found at 0* latitude?  Equator  Prime Meridian  North Pole  South Pole

20 18. What process involves the breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces?  Erosion  Subduction  Weathering  Plate Tectonics

21 19. What process involves the movement of sediment from one location to another?  Plate Tectonics  Erosion  Subduction  Weathering

22 20. The process in which the heavier plate pushes the lighter plate upwards is called ____.  Subduction  Plate Tectonics  Volcano  Earthquake

23 21. The number of people who live in a square mile is known as ___.  Population  Population distribution  Population Density  Growth Rate

24 22. _______ is how the population is spread out.  Population Density  Population Distribution  Growth Rate  Population

25 23. Which of the following is not a consequence of urbanization?  Overcrowding  Job Shortages  Decreased cultural opportunity  Increased Crime

26 24. Villages in the countryside are considered _____.  Urban  Suburban  Rural  Subrural

27 25. An area with a large population and many factories and schools would be considered _____.  Suburban  Rural  Subrural  Urban

28 26. A person who studies human population is called ___.  Demographer  Geographer  Demography  Geography

29 27. Which ocean lies between North America and Africa?  Arctic Ocean  Atlantic Ocean  Indian Ocean  Pacific Ocean

30 28. What continents is connected to Europe?  North America  Africa  Australia  Asia

31 29. Which ocean does not touch the Equator?  Atlantic  Arctic  Indian  Pacific

32 30. Which continent does not touch the Prime Meridian?  Europe  Antarctica  Africa  Asia

33 31. Which of the following would not be found on a political map?  Mountains  Boundaries  Capitals  Cities

34 32. Urbanization is associated with _______.  Smog  Fossil Fuels  Plate Tectonics  Erosion

35 33.  Causes of Urbanization  Causes of Demographics  Causes of Weathering/ Erosion  Causes of Plate Tectonics What goes here? JobsEducation Cultural Opportunities

36 34. Subduction is associated with ________.  Acid Rain  Weathering  Erosion  Plate Tectonics

37 35. Desertification is associated with ______.  Smog  Deforestation  Mining  Global Warming

38 36. What process changes the earth rapidly?  Mining and flooding  Acid Rain and Smog  Volcanoes and Earthquakes  Weathering and Erosion

39 37. Which process changes the earth gradually?  Volcanoes  Weathering  Earthquakes  Tsunamis

40 38. If it is 3:00 pm in the Pacific Time zone, it is ____ in the Central Time Zone (Two Time Zones East of it).  1:00 pm  2:00 pm  4:00 pm  5:00 pm

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