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Worker Engagement & Do Your Bit A Company Perspective By John Thorley & Neil Taylor.

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Presentation on theme: "Worker Engagement & Do Your Bit A Company Perspective By John Thorley & Neil Taylor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Worker Engagement & Do Your Bit A Company Perspective By John Thorley & Neil Taylor

2 Aims of the presentation (an overview of): The barriers to implementing worker engagement How and why we started engagement Planning for effective consultation What does and doesnt work Benefits of the Do Your Bit course & Safety Rep feedback

3 Company status on worker engagement: StatusDescription Adversarial Organisation decides what its objectives are and imposes these on the workforce. Partnership Organisation involves the workforce in devising its own safety management but retains final decision. Power Sharing Workforce actively involved in day to day and companywide decision making. We think were about here (2011)

4 Health and safety often not seen by directorship as a priority Old school thinking – safety seen as cost not a benefit (saving) Fear of organised resistance to corporate plans and insistence on inflexible working rules and conditions Representatives being pushed into roles Suspicion as to potential representatives motives to volunteer How much is it going to cost in relation to training and lost productivity? Barriers to worker engagement:

5 How and why worker engagement started: Change in Directors allowing facilitation of committee Change in legislation (Corporate Manslaughter / H & S Offences) Health and Safety Director appointed Directors responsibilities clarified in IOSH Directing Safely SMS in place - focus turned to PEOPLE Consultation with UCATT

6 What works Buy in at Board level Effective consultation with specialists (HSE / UCATT) A passion and drive for continuous improvement Invite volunteers – DONT appoint people Ensure balance of representation across all departments and levels of the business Being ambitious and realistic

7 October 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 April 2010 May 2010 - Present November 2010 December 2010 September 2010 March 2011 New Safety Management System implemented H & S Director Appointed / Worker Engagement highlighted (strategy) Initial consultation with UCATT Board agreement reached regarding H & S Consultation Committee Companywide invitation for committee representatives sent Committee formulated / monthly meetings ROES attended HSE Do your bit training (successful passes) Positive feedback given to Bardsley relating to DYB course Site Representatives of Employee Safety (ROES) appointed ROES formally appointed Worker Engagement Timeline

8 Barriers to implementing worker engagement and Site Safety Reps at site level Representatives being appointed as opposed to volunteers Site operatives and contractors resistant to change Reluctance to impart information for fear of reprisal (culture) Representatives being seen as Management Spies Highlighting to the workforce that you are their representative Listening to general concerns from the workforce Liaison between operatives and management Impartiality


10 The future Not to leave the ROES high and dry Educate and inform (file 14 SMS – H &S reference) Ongoing training by H & S Department Accompaniment on H & S Inspections Allow access to H & S Consultative Committee Publicise successes of Committee and ROES

11 Example from the front-line

12 Thank you for time and attention Any Questions ?

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