{ Francois Rabelais By Danny Chambers. Francois Rabelais is a Roman Catholic author born in Chinon Indre-et-Loire, France. While he was born in France,

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Presentation on theme: "{ Francois Rabelais By Danny Chambers. Francois Rabelais is a Roman Catholic author born in Chinon Indre-et-Loire, France. While he was born in France,"— Presentation transcript:

1 { Francois Rabelais By Danny Chambers

2 Francois Rabelais is a Roman Catholic author born in Chinon Indre-et-Loire, France. While he was born in France, he also died in France. The cause of his death is not known. Francois Rabelais backgrounds This is a picture of Francois Rabelais

3 In Rabelais’ early life, he studied Greek and Latin, Law, Philology, Letters, and Science at the Fontenay-la-Comte as a novice in the Franciscan monastery. Harassed because of his humanist studies, Rabelais petitioned Pope Clement VII and received permission to leave the Franciscan order and enter the Benedictine monastery of Maillezais; the monastery's scholarly bishop became his friend and patron. Francois Rabelais’ early life This is the emblem of the Franciscan Order.

4 The Pantagruel was a book published in 1523 by Francois Rabelais. It was a continuation of the anonymous popular work known as the Chronicles of the known as the Chronicles of the Giant Gargantua (also published in 1532). It was condemned for obscenity by the Sorbonne, the Theological college in the Giant Gargantua (also published in 1532). It was condemned for obscenity by the Sorbonne, the Theological college in the University of Paris The Pantagruel This is a picture of a copy of the Pantagruel.

5 Francois Rabelais published two continuations of the Pantagruel after it was condemned for obscenity. In 1534, Francois published the Gargantua, which was a prequel to the Pantagruel. This book introduces a monk named Frere Jean who does things not approved by the church. This was also later condemned by the Sorbonne. In 1546, Rabelais published a third book which was in two parts. The Sorbonne condemned this for heresy. Continuations of the Pantagruel This is a picture of a copy of the Gargantua “To laugh is proper to man” A quote from the Gargantua

6 Rabelais made several trips to Rome with his friend Cardinal Jean du Bellay; he lived for a time in Turin with du Bellay's brother, Guillaume. Francis I was for a time a patron of Rabelais. Rabelais apparently spent some time in hiding, threatened with persecution for heresy. Du Bellay's protection saved Rabelais after the condemnation of his novel by the Sorbonne. He taught medicine at Montpellier in 1537 and 1538 and after 1547 became curate of St. Christophe de Jambe and of Meudon, offices from which he resigned before his death in Paris in 1553. Rabelais’ later life

7 Francois Rabelais was a very creative person. Rabelais invented many words and metaphors, some of which still remain in the French language. Francois Rabelais received a bachelor of medicine degree in 1530 from University of Montpellier. Francois Rabelais became a Franciscan Friar 1520. Rabelais’ accomplishments

8 Francois Rabelais went on to write three other continuations of the Gargantua. There is little information on these continuations. Because of this, there are no known technical names for the books. Therefore, they are referred to as “Book Three”, “Book Four”, and “Book Five”. Other works of Francois Rabelais

9 Francois Rabelais was easily comparable to other Renaissance artists and writers. Most of his works have little to no background information. There is little information on Rabelais himself. How does Rabelais compare to other Renaissance Artists?

10 Machiavelli Difs Italian Wrote the Prince Wrote Plays and Movies Machiavelli VS Rabelais Rabelais Difs Sims Both Writers Both Humanists Both lived during the Renaissance French Wrote the Pantagruel Wrote books

11  http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/peopl e/rabelais-francois-early-life.html http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/peopl e/rabelais-francois-early-life.html http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/peopl e/rabelais-francois-early-life.html  http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/peopl e/rabelais-francois-later-life.html http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/peopl e/rabelais-francois-later-life.html http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/peopl e/rabelais-francois-later-life.html  http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/peopl e/rabelais-francois.html Sources

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