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Crust: Rigid, Thin Inner core: Solid iron

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Presentation on theme: "Crust: Rigid, Thin Inner core: Solid iron"— Presentation transcript:

1 Structural Geology Tectonic Stresses  Large Scale Strain of the Crust i.e., Geologic Structures
Crust: Rigid, Thin Inner core: Solid iron Outer core: Liquid iron, convecting (magnetic field) Mantle (Asthenosphere) : Solid iron-magnesium silicate, plastic, convecting Crust (Lithosphere): Rigid, thin 5-30km Mantle: Plastic, Convecting

2 Tectonics and Structural Geology
Tectonic Stresses resulting from Internal Energy (heat driving convection) Strains (deforms) the Mantle and Crust Bends Rocks, i.e., ductile strain (Folds) Breaks Rock, i.e., brittle strain (Joints) and Moves large blocks along Faults and Releases energy  Earthquakes

3 Folds and Faults (Palmdale, Ca)

4 Eastern Pennsylvania Northwestern Africa

5 High Low Northwestern Africa
Metamorphic Grade High Low Northeastern North America Northwestern Africa

6 Strike and Dip of Planar Feature
Two methods of reporting planar orientation Quadrant: N15oE, 45oS (geologists) Azmuthal: 195o/45o (engineers)

7 Stikes and Dips are used to identify geologic structures

8 Brunton Pocket Transit
Clinometer Azimuthal Compass Transit

9 Stresses at Plate Boundaries
Divergent (Tensional) | Convergent (Compressional) | Transform (Shear) e.g., Pacific NW Kehew, Fig. 1-20 Lab. Man., Fig. 21-2

10 Geologic Structures Different stresses result in various forms of strain (geologic structures) Folds (compressive stresses may cause ductile strain) Faults (Any type of stress may cause brittle strain. The type of fault depends on the type of stress)

11 Anticline (fold)

12 Syncline (fold)


14 Plunging Anticline



17 Eastern Pennsylvania Folds and faults resulting from compressive stresses Anticlines (many plunging) Synclines (many plunging) Reverse faults Thrust faults

18 Domes and Basins


20 Bedrock Geology of the Michigan Basin
During and after the deposition of Michigan’s sedimentary rocks The crust warped downward Exposing younger rocks in the center and Older rocks on the rim (e.g. Toledo)

21 Brittle Strain  Joints
When shallow crust is strained rocks tend to exhibit brittle strain

22 Sheet Joints (due to Expansion and Exfoliation)

23 Fault: Movement occurring along a discontinuity
Brittle strain and subsequent movement as a result of stress Fault terminology

24 Faults Fault: When movement occurs along a discontinuity
Fault type depends on the type of stress


26 Normal Faults

27 Normal Faults, Horsts and Grabens

28 Structures at Divergent Boundaries
Tensional Stresses cause brittle strain and formation of sets of normal faults i.e., Horsts and Grabens

29 Horsts and Grabens Older Rocks are exposed along the ridges formed by the horsts Younger rocks lie beneath the grabens Sediment fills in the linear valleys

30 Nevada “Washboard topography” is the result of Horsts and Grabens
A.k.a, Basin and Range

31 Structural Oil Traps

32 Reverse and Thrust Faults
Compressive stress causes the hanging wall to move upward relative to the foot wall  Reverse Fault At convergent plate boundaries ancient rocks can be thrust over younger rocks  Thrust Fault

33 Thrust Fault: Glacier NP, Montana
Old Younger

34 Structures at a Convergent Boundary

35 Structures within Mountain Belts

36 Compressional and Tensional Structures

37 E.g., The Apls Intense folding and thrusting of sedimentary rocks

38 Strike Slip Faults Physiographic Features

39 San Andreas Fault What type of fault is this?
What other features are associated with the fault?


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