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GCSE ROLE PLAY 1.At the café a) Say you would like an orange juice and a coffee. Je voudrais un jus dorange et un café. b) Say you want a beer for your.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE ROLE PLAY 1.At the café a) Say you would like an orange juice and a coffee. Je voudrais un jus dorange et un café. b) Say you want a beer for your."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE ROLE PLAY 1.At the café a) Say you would like an orange juice and a coffee. Je voudrais un jus dorange et un café. b) Say you want a beer for your father. Je voudrais une bière pour mon père. c) Ask if they have any sandwiches. Avez-vous des sandwichs?

2 GCSE ROLEPLAY 2. At the chemist a) Ask if the chemist can help you Vous pouvez maider? b) Say what is wrong with you. Jai mal à la tête etc…. c) ask how much it costs Cest combien?

3 GCSE ROLEPLAY 3. At the cinema a) Ask when the film starts A quelle heure commence le film? b) Say you want two tickets please. Je voudrais deux billets, sil vous plaît. c) Ask if you can buy sweets. (Est-ce que) je peux acheter des bonbons?

4 GCSE ROLEPLAY 4. Describing someone a) Say he is nine years old. Il a neuf ans. (In French – he has 9 years) b) Say he has short blond hair. Il a les cheveux courts et blonds. c) Say hes wearing jeans and a yellow t-shirt. Il porte un jean et un t-shirt jaune.

5 GCSE ROLEPLAY 5. At the post office a) Ask how much it costs to send a letter to Spain. Cest combien envoyer une lettre en Espagne? b)Ask for one stamp, please. Je voudrais une timbre sil vous plaît. c) Ask if they have any postcards. Avez-vous des cartes postales?

6 Now try these…. 6. At the train station a)Ask when the next train to Paris leaves. b)Ask for a return ticket, second class. c)Ask what platform the train leaves from. 7. Shopping a)Say you want a present for your grandmother. b)Say you would like a souvenir of the region. c)Say you have 20 Euros

7 Check your answers 6. a)A quelle heure part le prochain train pour Paris? b)Je voudrais un aller- retour, deuxième classe. c)Cest quel quai? 7. a) Je voudrais un cadeau pour ma grand-mère. b) Je voudrais un souvenir de la région. c) Jai vingt Euros

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