Series Outline What is it? What does it do to me? How do I kill it?

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3 Series Outline What is it? What does it do to me? How do I kill it?

4 Secret Weapon Recap Fear – Love Discouragement – Humility Loneliness – Introspection

5 What is it? When might loneliness be a good thing? – The burden of leadership. – Consecrated for a purpose. – As part of a sacrifice. Not to be confused with simply being alone or seeking solitude.


7 What is it? Okay, so when is it bad? – THE litmus test: Do you feel empty inside? – Are you tempted to fill the void with something, anything to make it go away? A.K.A. “Unconnectedness”

8 What does it do to me? The Body of Christ example: – How useful is a severed body part? Works against who you are designed to be. – Some of the loneliest people Dr. Jeremiah has encountered have been in stable marriages. – The parallel track marriage. – Symptoms often include overemphasis on “priorities” such as work or play.


10 What does it do to me? Loneliness is a catalyst giant. It’s a multiplier when mixed with other giants. How do the lonely fare when faced with: – Physical illness. – Financial hardship. – Spiritual droughts. – Discouragement. A conventional tactic in war is to separate the enemy from its support.


12 Step 1: It Happens Periods of isolation happen. They happen for a reason. They happen for our benefit. They happen for the benefit of others. IF you keep your perspective.





17 Kill Shot: Introspection A.K.A. – Looking inward. – “Soul searching.” Lonely? Where are you with the Holy Spirit? – The Holy Spirit is the best (and only) relationship that we need. – The Holy Spirit facilitates vibrant, meaningful fellowship with others. (Marriage pattern!)








25 Finally Plug into the body of believers. It’s hard to be isolated and alone under and Acts 2 model of fellowship. Be willing to admit need and ask for help. Check your relationship with The Holy Spirit. Reprioritize you life…make sure you are not a source of someone else’s loneliness.

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