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Team 15. Code Modules Web Server Interface and Operating Parameters Chemical Level Detection Calibration Routine Adjusting Agent Calculation Chemical.

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Presentation on theme: "Team 15. Code Modules Web Server Interface and Operating Parameters Chemical Level Detection Calibration Routine Adjusting Agent Calculation Chemical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team 15

2 Code Modules Web Server Interface and Operating Parameters Chemical Level Detection Calibration Routine Adjusting Agent Calculation Chemical Introduction Routine

3 Web Server Use web server embedded in micro to view data and change parameters Will be able to view database of Ph, Cl, and temp levels Also can view if any tanks are empty Can change Pool Volume, desired Ph and Cl levels, and desired temperature.

4 Interface and operating parameters Performs functions much like Web Server, however changes can be made from the unit. Unit will display latest Ph, Cl, and temp levels on an LCD Same parameter changes can be made from the Unit as can be made on Web Server.

5 Chemical Level Detection Using the ATD channel get a voltage reading that corresponds to a Ph, Cl, or temp level Water will be pumped into a chamber where the measurements take place Calibration Routine Using two buffer solutions, create a linear function for the Ph Sensor.

6 Adjusting agent calculation We will use a formula found online that will calculate how much Ph and Cl adjuster will be needed to introduce. Chemical Introduction Routine Chemicals will be pumped into pool and measured as they are introduced.

7 Main Hierarchical Block Diagram Calibration Routine Chemical Introduction Routine Adjusting Agent Calculation EthernetRTISPIATD Web Server Push Buttons LCD Chemical Level Detection

8 Start Main State Machine Variable Parameters: Desired CL Desired Ph Desired Temperature Pool Volume Saved Data: Archive of Ph and Cl values Voltage reading for Ph meter Web Server (view data and set parameters) Push Buttons Scroll through menus and Adjust values LCD Output Time for calibration ? Yes No Introduce buffer solution 1 Introduce buffer solution 2 Save recorded voltage Time to measure chemical levels? No Yes Meaure Cl and Ph Calculate amounts to introduce Introduce chemicals Variable Parameters

9 Questions?

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