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“Myths That Will Undo a Nation!” Judges 21:25. Myth: untruthfulness, prevarication, barefaced lie, falsehood…

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Presentation on theme: "“Myths That Will Undo a Nation!” Judges 21:25. Myth: untruthfulness, prevarication, barefaced lie, falsehood…"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Myths That Will Undo a Nation!” Judges 21:25

2 Myth: untruthfulness, prevarication, barefaced lie, falsehood…

3 Today our nation is celebrating her 234 th birthday. Though young in many respects, America is beginning to show her age…

4 Presently there are bills in the House and Senate proposing to make it a crime to teach, preach, or even discuss in a Bible School setting anything negative about homosexuality…

5 Gen. Peter Pace CNN and “The Washington Post” both reported that Gen. Peter Pace, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was fired because he publicly expressed moral opposition to homosexual practices.

6 Want to share with you some myths… that if permitted to persist will ultimately undo and destroy America. We need to be MythBusters in our own right!

7 Purpose: to debunk myths that presently are and will destroy America

8 IMyth #1 – Life Began by Chance A.Present Status of Evolution

9 The doctrine according to Darwin is in trouble – the theory of evolution is systematically being dismantled through everyday discoveries…

10 IMyth #1 – Life Began by Chance A.Present Status of Evolution B.How the Public Views Evolution

11 Clarence Darrow In the 1925 Scopes Trial, lead defense attorney Clarence Darrow argued “…it is bigotry for public schools to teach only one explanation of our origins” (that one explanation being created by God).

12 Now that evolution is entrenched in our public schools, the ACLU insists that only the theory of evolution be taught…

13 IMyth #1 – Life Began by Chance A.Present Status of Evolution B.How the Public Views Evolution C.Let the Bible Speak

14 Genesis 1-11 is fact and not fable!

15 Big Bang Theory? Where did the energy for the Big Bang come? What caused the explosion? How can nothing times nobody equal everything?

16 Author Aldous Huxley Responding to why the theory of evolution is so readily accepted: “The reason we accept Darwinism even without proof is because we don’t want God to interfere…”

17 IIMyth #2 – We Can Be Moral Without Religion

18 Supreme Court – November 17, 1980: “The 10 Commandments are plainly religious and may induce children to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and to obey the commandments.”

19 IIMyth #2 – We Can Be Moral Without Religion A.Morality and Religion Can’t be Separated B.Morality and Religion Go Hand in Glove

20 Isaiah 5:20 “…call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”

21 IIIMyth #3 – If It’s Legal It’s Moral

22 Adolph Eichmann said, “I had to obey the laws of war and my flag.”

23 IIIMyth #3 – If It’s Legal It’s Moral A.Where is the Accountability? B.Founding Fathers Speak

24 Not long ago protestors at an abortion clinic were charged with slander… “You can’t call someone who isn’t breaking the law a murder.”

25 IVMyth #4 – Roles of Men and Women are Interchangeable A.Marriage is Under Attack

26 Sheila Cronan of N.O.W. said, “Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women’s movement must concentrate on attacking marriage.”

27 IVMyth #4 – Roles of Men and Women are Interchangeable A.Marriage is Under Attack B.Home is Under Attack

28 VMyth #5 – A Fetus is not Human

29 January 22, 1973 in Roe v Wade the Supreme Court ruled that a fetus was not human. As a result in conservative estimations, more than 55 million human lives have been aborted since…

30 VMyth #5 – A Fetus is not Human A.God Says Otherwise B.Abortion is Not an Option

31 It happened at a civic dinner in London years ago. A woman guest was seated alongside a visitor from China…

32 Summary and Conclusion: As a Christian first and foremost and then as an American, our greatest challenge is to get people to know the Good news and be used of God to bring them to the realization of their need for Christ as Lord and Savior who alone can change a careless heart into a caring heart!

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