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HUNTED by P.C. Cast + Kristin Cast Recommended by Shirley Toy, Brandy Benson & Maria Rosales.

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Presentation on theme: "HUNTED by P.C. Cast + Kristin Cast Recommended by Shirley Toy, Brandy Benson & Maria Rosales."— Presentation transcript:

1 HUNTED by P.C. Cast + Kristin Cast Recommended by Shirley Toy, Brandy Benson & Maria Rosales

2 WHO IS THE MAIN CHARACTER?  Name: Zoey Redbird  Age: 17  Talents, Skills, Important Traits: She controls all the elements.  Three Descriptive Adjectives: Cheater, Flirts, Prostitute  “But Zoey always casts the circles we never have” (Cast 123).

3 WHO IS A SUPPORTING CHARACTER?  Name: Heath the human boyfriend of Zoey’s.  Age: Teenager  Talents, Skills, Important Traits: He allowed Zoey to suck his blood when she had a deep wound across her chest and she lost a lot of blood.  Three Descriptive Adjectives: Jealous, strong, Generous  “So when Heath pressed his bleeding arm against my lips, I opened my mouth, sank my teeth deep into him, and started sucking” (Cast 125).

4 WHAT IS THE STORY ABOUT?  Setting (Time, Place, Environment, Etc.): House of Night.  Main Conflict: The conflict is that Zoey is in 2 relationships with 2 guys at once. Zoey also got a deep wound by Raven Mockers and she had to suck the blood of Heath’s due to their Imprint. It also talks about how they escaped the House of Night.

5 WHAT IS ONE OF THE MAJOR THEMES?  Definition of Theme: Cheater is when someone who has more than 1 boyfriend/girlfriend at once.  “How about does it mean you don’t cheat on me again with your human boyfriend” (Cast 104).  “His arms went around me, and pulled me close deepening the kiss” (Cast 87).

6 WHAT IS ONE IMPORTANT SCENE?  Describe exciting/powerful/important event /scene  One of the exciting scene is when Heath saves Zoey by allowing her to drink his blood. The he and Zoey imprinted once again.  Explain why you selected this scene to describe/ why is it important in the story?  It shows how much Heath cares about her and risking his life to save even though they are no longer boyfriend and girlfriend anymore.

7 VISUAL IMAGE FROM AN IMPORTANT SCENE  When Erik and Zoey kisses it shows how much they love each other and makes the scene very romantic because even though they broke apart before, now they are back together.  “His arms went around me, and pulled me close deepening the kiss” (Cast 87).  Explain why this scene is important. It is important because it shows how much they love each other even though they once broke up with each other.

8 VISUAL IMAGE  This is an image of Zoey and Erik kissing.

9 WHAT CONNECTIONS CAN YOU MAKE TO THIS BOOK?  Compare to another book or to a current media/local/world situation: This book reminds me of Twilight and the show Vampire Diaries because Zoey is in a relationship with 2 guys at once.  Explain: It is similar because Zoey likes 2 guys and in Twilight it is like Edward or Jacob and Bella has to choose and they are vampires and werewolfs who will she choose?

10 WHY SHOULD YOU READ THIS BOOK?  Reason: I am sanguine that someone who enjoys/likes vampire books would read it because it is interesting. It talks about love and how people risk their lives to help others.  Reason: It talks about how Zoey’s human boyfriend that she have Imprinted with risks his life and saves Zoey with his plasma.  Reason: After Zoey’s been wounded, she is no longer kinetic.

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