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Congratulations! n Everyone here chose and confronted a current original, empirical study and struggled to comprehend and communicate why and how it had.

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Presentation on theme: "Congratulations! n Everyone here chose and confronted a current original, empirical study and struggled to comprehend and communicate why and how it had."— Presentation transcript:

1 Congratulations! n Everyone here chose and confronted a current original, empirical study and struggled to comprehend and communicate why and how it had been conducted, what was learned and what was not.

2 General feedback n Brief summary of an empirical article – What are the issues (big picture) – What was done (methods) – What was learned (results) – What it means and what it might not mean (discussion) – Next article you will read – Reference

3 Different types of common difficulties n 1. Way too long (4-5 pages) n 2. General discussion of field but no analysis of empirical article – If missing reference, I simply don’t know what you read n Empirical article but its unclear what was done – Get to the general through the particular

4 Grade n Grade is out of 100 – Some are out of 10 - will be multiplied by 10 – Intro, methods, results, discussion (2 points each) n divide these sections in your papers – General (difficulty of article factored in) – Style (APA, APA, APA)

5 Grade n Grade is out of 100 – General (difficulty of article factored in) – Style (APA, APA, APA)

6 Grading issues n Title n Citations n Email n Full Results n What I’ll do Next

7 How I corrected n APA means check APA style n WW means you used the wrong word. n SS means there is a problem with sentence structure. – Always use complete sentences. Ask somebody if they are complete sentences if you have any doubt. This includes variable list. Do not overdue reliability and list of variables.

8 Pointers n Distinguish your views from those of authors. – Every paragraph should say “Alicot et al. (1999) found” or “The authors, etc. – Use past tense throughout.

9 Major points n Tell us exactly what results were and make sure we know from methods exactly what results mean. n Summarize main results at beginning of discussion. – Make limitations fit article. – I.e. if its not longitudinal, why should it be?

10 Hard copy n Submit the a hard copy of the article you summarized in class on the day the summary is due. n Whenever you submit a paper referring to that article, resubmit the article to me. n You may want to make two copies.

11 Finding final project articles n hology.html hology.html – Databases->Psychology->Psychinfo – or E-Journals->Psychology – or Social Science Citation Index n Textbook or course readings – Find an article that they cite n Find an article cited by your article n Other methods

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