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My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 My turn My time My Plan DeAnna Renn, B.Sc.N., R.N. Public Health Nurse, Brant County Health Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 My turn My time My Plan DeAnna Renn, B.Sc.N., R.N. Public Health Nurse, Brant County Health Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 My turn My time My Plan DeAnna Renn, B.Sc.N., R.N. Public Health Nurse, Brant County Health Unit

2 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Background CW Falls Prevention Network created My turn My time in 2004 A unique upstream falls and injury prevention strategy, designed to prevent the first fall Targeted women 55-64 years of age Focused on raising awareness and creating supportive environments for women to prioritize themselves, their health, and physical activity

3 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Background – cont’d Campaign acknowledged lack of personal time, fatigue, and challenges of sharing family responsibilities In 2006, My plan added to slogan Focus on the many steps involved before women can make a plan to be physically active Women need to take time away from responsibilities to make a plan My plan component provided supportive materials related to walking

4 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Evidence – Falls & Women Falls - leading cause of injury hospitalizations (85%) among older adults (65+) 1 in 3 older adults fall every year Twice as many women are admitted to hospital for falls and injury annually than men of the same age (age 65+) Women fall 10 years sooner than men

5 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Evidence – Falls Prevention & Physical Activity Physical activity improves muscle control, balance, coordination, and reaction time -  risk and number of falls Physical activity  the rate of age-related bone loss -  risk and incidence of fractures

6 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Evidence – Women & Physical Activity Women 55-64 years - 75.8% enjoy very good or perfect health; 56.5% are physically inactive; 37.0% are overweight (Stats Canada Annual Report, How Healthy Are Canadians, 2000/2001) Women have difficulty prioritizing their own health needs (Heart & Stroke Foundation Press Release, October, 2005)

7 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Goal of Campaign To support inactive women ages 55-64 to work towards 30-60 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week, to gain the short and long term benefits of physical activity, and ultimately prevent falls and injury.

8 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Campaign Objectives Individual Outcome Objectives 1.Raise awareness that women are entitled to prioritize themselves and physical activity. 2.Raise awareness of the short and long term benefits of physical activity including prevention of falls and injury. 3.Increase awareness of the challenges and strategies of planning to be physically active. 4.Increase awareness of ‘walking’ as a safe entry level physical activity through access to walking resources.

9 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Resources - Posters

10 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Resources - Posters

11 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Resources - Posters

12 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Resources - Pamphlet

13 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Resources – My Plan Pad

14 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Resources – PA Packages My turn My time pamphlet My Plan tear-off Pedometer Pedometer Pamphlet Walking: The Activity of a Lifetime Walk this Way Flyer Local Trail Map PA Survey

15 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Promotion Workplaces – 2 flyers sent to Wellness Works mailing list Health Care Agencies Nursing Homes Massage Therapists Libraries Department Stores

16 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Evaluation - Process Distributed: 103 posters 490 pamphlets 46 tearoff pads 460 physical activity packages 117 Walk this Way Kits

17 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Evaluation - Outcome

18 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Evaluation – Outcome 460 surveys distributed 44 surveys returned - ~10% return rate Majority (68%) had package at least 3 weeks before completing survey 98% of respondents were female 81% of respondents were between ages 45-64

19 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Evaluation - Outcome Pedometer used most frequently (96%) 89% had increased awareness of health benefits of physical activity 96% used info to identify challenges to becoming active 89% said that resources offered strategies to help develop a physical activity plan

20 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Evaluation - Outcome Prior to receiving the package, 55% indicated that on most days they were getting at least 30 min of moderate p.a. 68% indicated that their level of physical activity increased after using package 81% indicated that on most days they are now getting at least 30 min of moderate physical activity

21 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Recommendations To Reach Women aged 50-64: Target workplaces, especially health care agencies Target spas/beauty salons Message should give women permission to prioritize themselves and their health

22 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Recommendations To Reach Inactive Women: Message should focus on “how to make a plan” to be physically active Provide a supportive environment – ie. give them the resources to try an activity/make a change Walking is a great introductory activity to  physical activity in sedentary or inactive people

23 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Recommendations To Extend Campaign Reach: Utilize workplace/agency contacts to promote campaign Get buy-in from workplace/agency contacts distributing resources

24 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 Recommendations To Increase Survey Response Rate: Have workplace/agency contact send a reminder to recipients of package re: completing survey Be specific about incentives and highlight them clearly on survey Create survey in a postcard format – visually appealing and can be distributed separately from package

25 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 References Heart & Stroke Foundation, October 24, 2005. Press Release: Women’s busy lives a barrier to heart health. Minne, H. June 2005. Invest in your bones: Move it or Lose it. IOF – Outreach and Education: 06. Public Health Agency of Canada, 2005. You CAN prevent falls! Public Health Agency of Canada, 2005. Report on Seniors’ falls in Canada. Stats Canada Annual Report, 2000/2001. How Healthy Are Canadians?

26 My Turn, My Time, My Plan February 5, 2007 My turn My time My Plan For more information contact DeAnna Renn at or visit

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