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APRIL 12 TH, 1861- JUNE 23, 1865 BY: KERRI BROOKS Civil War.

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Presentation on theme: "APRIL 12 TH, 1861- JUNE 23, 1865 BY: KERRI BROOKS Civil War."— Presentation transcript:

1 APRIL 12 TH, 1861- JUNE 23, 1865 BY: KERRI BROOKS Civil War

2 How it all started April 12 th, 1861 was the date the war started It started when Confederate states seceded to make their own country which led to two divisions: the Union (North) and the Confederates (South). South Carolina was the first to secede and demanded U.S. army troops to leave from the Charleston Harbor which took place in Jan. 1861

3 Participates in the war Union States:  California  Connecticut  Delaware  Illinois  Indiana  Iowa  Kansas  Kentucky  Maine  Maryland  Massachusetts  Michigan  Minnesota  Nevada  New Hampshire  New York  New Jersey  Ohio  Oregon  Pennsylvania  Rhode Island  Vermont  West Virginia

4 P ARTICIPATES IN THE WAR ( CONT.) S ECEDED S TATES (C ONFEDERATES ) South Carolina Mississippi Florida Alabama Georgia Louisiana Texas Virginia Arkansas Tennessee North Carolina Prior to Lincoln’s election After Lincoln’s call for troops

5 NON Seceded Border States Delaware Maryland West Virginia Kentucky Minnesota Participates in the war (cont.)

6 Alliances Britain and France were actually pleased to see there be conflicts in the U.S. because they refer to it as the “paradise” country The French wanted some influence on Mexico because it would suit and be better for them for a new nation (Pro-France) between Mexico and the U.S.

7 Alliances Continued (Confederacy) The Confederacy sent some representatives to London and Paris to hope for and be officially recognized. As Lee sent to Union army back across Virginia, the Confederates were earning credibility and the British came close to recognizing their government. But after many conflicts both France and Britain had to stay out of it.

8 Important Leaders for the Union Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant Major General Henry W. Halleck Major General John M. Schofield Major General Joseph Hooker Major General George Meade Major General Alfred Terry

9 Important Leaders for the Confederates General Robert E. Lee Brigadier General Beauregard Colonel Jackson Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson James "Old Pete" Longstreet Lewis Armistead Major General W.H.C. Whitting

10 Main Events and Battles Battle of Fort Sumter First Battle of Bull Run Battle of Gettysburg Second Battle at Fort Fisher Battle of Appomattox Courthouse

11 B ATTLE OF F ORT S UMTER Started the American Civil War when Brigadier General Beauregard ordered the attack on Fort Sumter located at Charleston, South Carolina The battle lasted for only two days with no casualties Major Anderson decided to surrender on April 14, 1861 This battle made people realize it was going to start to be a big deal April 12, 1861- April 14, 1861

12 Union Confederate Major Robert Anderson Brigadier General Beauregard Generals:

13 First Battle of Bull Run Bull Run/Union Occoquan River Casualties: Union- 2,896 Confederates: 1,982 The Confederates realized they would need more reinforcements July 21, 1861-July 22nd, 1861

14 Union Brigadier General Irvin McDowell Brigadier General Beauregard Confederate

15 Battle of Gettysburg Gettysburg, Pennsylvania The battle lasted 3 days The Union started with 93,921 troops The Confederates started with 71,699 troops Casualties: Union: 23,055 Confederates: 23,231 This was the battle with the most casualties July 1-3, 1863

16 Generals: UnionConfederate  Major General George Meade  General Robert E. Lee

17 Second Battle of Fort Fisher In Kure Beach, North Carolina Casualties: Union-583 Confederate-1,338 The Union closed the port so that the Confederates couldn’t get supplies anymore January 13-15, 1865

18 Generals Union Confederate  Major Alfred Terry  Major General W.H.C. Whitting

19 Battle of Appomattox Courthouse Appomattox Court House, Virginia Casualties: Union-164 Confederates- 500 and 27,800 surrendered The war had ended and the Union had won the war April 7, 1865-April 9,1865

20 Union Confederates Major General Ulysses S. Grant General Robert E. Lee Generals:

21  Cannons  Rifles  Pistols  Swords  Ships

22  Napoleon  Howitzer

23 Rifles Pistols Muzzle: 2-3 shots Colt army: 6 shots Rifles and Pistols

24 Bayonet

25  U.S.S. Monitor

26 Transportation Ships- Blockade Runners Trains Horses Wagons

27  Used to bring supplies to the confederates  Or used as major weapons

28  Used to move equipment

29  Used to bring along small supplies such as rifles

30 The End of The Civil War June 23, 1865 175,000 Confederate troops were still on the field unaware of the surrender The war had ended officially when the remainder of the Confederate troops ad surrendered

31 The Effects of The Civil War on our World Today I believe that without the civil war our country could still be suffering from slavery. If we still had slavery I couldn’t know or be friends with half of the people I already know. I believe the Civil War had to happen but maybe not the way it did. I wish they had signed an agreement instead of going to war forbidding slavery and giving certain states rights. If the seceded states tried to see the slaves from the Union’s perspective and realized how terrible it really was and that they were also human beings that they would have understood and agreed to let it stop.


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