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Today you will need: Booklet (Put your NAME on the front!) Pen/pencil

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1 Today you will need: Booklet (Put your NAME on the front!) Pen/pencil
If you didn’t get the POP ART notes, please go online to see all the examples and write out the notes for points.

2 Drawing Portraits Date: 5/13/2013
Eric Syvertson

3 the likeness of a person in an artwork

4 Portrait made entirely of coffee cup rings

5 Objective when something is realistic and can be recognized for what it is

6 Artwork that captures reality as much as possible

7 relationships between the sizes of things

8 Grid or Graph Technique
using a graph over a picture to help draw proportionally Grid or Graph Technique 2” grid 1” grid

9 Used approximated a 12” grid)

10 Value: how light or dark something is
Light Source: where the light seems to be coming from Highlight: brightest part Contrast: strong differences between elements Review Terms Everyone writes the words. Write the definitions if you forgot them.

11 Please write down their names.
MANY artists use a grid and/or create paintings from ‘bite size’ units…. Please write down their names. You are also invited to jot down what their work looks like.

12 Leonardo Da Vinci: with the help of a special type of “camera,” light and mirrors

13 Chuck Close




17 Steven Spazuk Drawing made from fire & soot


19 Eric Daigh: uses push pins in primary colors

20 And finally, our main Pop Art Influence: James Rosenquist

21 Collage Composition Symmetrical Asymmetrical Terms to remember:



24 Principle of design: A visual tempo or beat
Principle of design: A visual tempo or beat. Repeat some elements to create interest and unity (shape, color etc). Rhythm What helps to create RHYTHM in this painting?

25 What helps to create RHYTHM in this painting?

26 (Ms King: Don’t forget to show the James Rosenquist video!)
Your Project Create a small collage using your photograph and other found images that “advertise” yourself THEN…

27 You’ll enlarge it! After your collage is done, you will grid it and DRAW it 2x the size Materials include drawing pencil and ONE color pencil to be used selectively

28 Rosenquist said he was interested in people who advertise themselves.
How do YOU advertise yourself? What makes you YOU?

29 You can divide up your photograph or cover up a little bit with other images, but you must draw:
At least one eye Some hair Most of a nose Most of a mouth

30 Please note: This a collage project about your identity.
“ironic” because “nothing is original” like POP ART claims and you will be using popular images that aren’t necessarily about you until you “appropriate” them. This is a portrait project that uses the grid technique, drawing with value & shapes. If you are unhappy with your photo taken in class, a photo of YOURSELF. You can bring in your own magazines/images for your collage

31 Short videos about Chuck Close, Steven Spazuk & Eric Daigh ……

32 Exit Slip If someone were making a commercial all about you, what are some important things they should know or that you’d want them to know?

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