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Towards Robust Indexing for Ranked Queries Dong Xin, Chen Chen, Jiawei Han Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign VLDB.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards Robust Indexing for Ranked Queries Dong Xin, Chen Chen, Jiawei Han Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign VLDB."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards Robust Indexing for Ranked Queries Dong Xin, Chen Chen, Jiawei Han Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign VLDB 2006

2 2 Outline Introduction Robust Index Compute Robust Index –Exact Solution –Approximate Solution –Multiple Indices Performance Study Discussion and Conclusions

3 3 Introduction TidA1A2 t10.101.00 t20.150.80 t30.250.55 t40.400.35 t50.800.25 t60.300.70 t70.350.50 t80.750.45 Sample Database R Select top 3 * from R order by A1+A2 asc TidA1A2A1+A2 t40.400.350.75 t30.250.550.80 t70.350.500.85 Query Results Linear Ranking Functions Ranked Query

4 4 Efficient Processing of Ranked Queries Na ï ve Solution: scan the whole database and evaluate all tuples Using indices or materialized views –Distributed Indexing Sort each attribute individually and merge attributes by a threshold algorithm (TA) [Fagin et al, PODS ’ 96, ’ 99, ’ 01] –Spatial Indexing Organize tuples into R-tree and determine a threshold to prune the search space [Goldstain et al, PODS ’ 97] Organize tuples into R-tree and retrieve data progressively [Papadias et al, SIGMOD ’ 03] –Sequential Indexing Organize tuples into convex hulls [Chang et al, SIGMOD ’ 00] Materialize ranked views according to the preference functions [Hristidis et al, SIGMOD ’ 01] –And More …

5 5 Sequential Indexing Sequential Index (ranked view) –Linearly sort tuples –No sophisticated data structures –Sequential data access (good for database I/O) Representative work –Onion [Chang et al, SIGMOD’00] –PREFER [Hristidis et al, SIGMOD’01] Our proposal: Robust Index

6 6 Review: Onion Technique TidA1A2 t10.101.00 t20.150.80 t30.250.55 t40.400.35 t50.800.25 t60.300.70 t70.350.50 t80.750.45 Sample Database R t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 A1 A2 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 A1 A2 Second layer First layer Second layer Index by Convex hull Retrieve data layer by layer until the top-k results are found In worst case, retrieve top-k layers of tuples If a and b are non-negative (a, b are weighing parameters in linear ranking function) Index by Convex Shell Expect less number of tuples in each layer Select top 3 * from R order by aA1+bA2 asc Ranked Query

7 7 Review: PREFER System TidA1A2 t10.101.00 t20.150.80 t30.250.55 t40.400.35 t50.800.25 t60.300.70 t70.350.50 t80.750.45 Sample Database R t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 A1 A2 Index by the ranking function: A1+A2 Select top 3 * from R order by w 1 A 1 +w 2 A 2 asc Ranked Query Given query ranking function: A1+2A2 Map query ranking function to index ranking function Will retrieve t1, t2, t3, t4, t6, t7 Index on preference ranking function Query ranking function Map from query to preference

8 8 Comments on Sequential Indexing PREFER –Works extremely well when query functions are close to the index function; Sensitive to query weights Onion –Less sensitive to query weights; Can we do better? Both methods –Require considerable online computation Motivation for robust indexing –Not sensitive to query weights –Push most computation to index building phase Average #tuples retrieved for 10 random queries asking for top- 50 answers Query weights are randomly selected from 1,2,3,4

9 9 Outline Introduction Robust Index Compute Robust Index –Exact Solution –Approximate Solution –Multiple Indices Performance Study Discussion and Conclusions

10 10 Robust Indexing: Motivating Example t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 A1 A2 First layer Second layer t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 A1 A2 First layer Index by Convex hull (shell) Organize data layer by layer In order to keep the convexity, each layer is built conservatively Robust Index Organize data layer by layer Exploit dominating properties between data and push a tuple as deep as possible t7: dominated by t2 and t4 (for any query, at least one of t2 and t4 ranks before t7) t7: dominated by t3 and t5 Layer 3 Layer 4

11 11 Robust Indexing: Formal Definition How does it work? –Offline phase Put each tuple in its deepest layer: the minimal (best) rank of all possible linear queries –Online phase Retrieve tuples in top-k layers Evaluate all of them, and report top-k What are expected? –Correctness –Less tuples in each layer than convex hull If a tuple does not belong to top-k for any query, it will not be retrieved

12 12 Robust Indexing: Appealing Properties Database Friendly –No online algorithm required –Simply use the following SQL statement Select top k * from R where layer <=k order by F rank Space efficient –Suppose the upper bound of the value k is given (e.g. k<=100) –Only need to index those tuples in top 100 layers –Robust indexing uses the minimal space comparing with other alternatives

13 13 Outline Introduction Robust Index Compute Robust Index –Exact Solution –Approximate Solution –Multiple Indices Performance Study Discussion and Conclusions

14 14 Robust Indexing: Algorithm Highlights Exact Solution –Compute the deepest layer for each tuple –Complexity: n: number of tuples d: number of dimensions Approximate Solution –Compute the lower bound layer for each tuple –Complexity: Multiple Indices –Transform R to different subspaces by linear transformation –Build an index in each subspace

15 15 Exact Solution t1 t3 t4 t5 t2 t t6 A1 A2 Task: to compute the minimal rank over all possible linear queries for tuple t Given a query Q, with ranking function F=w 1 A 1 +w 2 A 2, 0<=w 1,w 2 <=1, and w 1 +w 2 =1 Q is one-to-one mapped to a line L e.g. A1+2A2 maps to L 1 L1L1 L2L2 Naïve Proposal: Enumerate all possible combinations of (w 1,w 2 ) Not feasible since the enumerating space is infinite Alternative Solution: Only enumerate (w 1,w 2 ) whose corresponding line passes t and another tuple, e.g., L 1, …,L 4 Do not consider t3 and t6 because the corresponding weights does not satisfy 0<=w1,w2<=1 L3 L4

16 16 Exact Solution, cont. t1 t3 t4 t5 t2 t t6 A1 A2 Task: to compute the minimal rank over all possible linear queries for tuple t Given a query Q, with ranking function F=w 1 A 1 +w 2 A 2, 0<=w 1,w 2 <=1, and w 1 +w 2 =1 L1L1 L2L2 Complexity: to sort all lines takes O(n log n), to compute minimal rank for all t, In general, L3 L4 Lv=>L1: minimal rank is 4 (after t1, t2, t3 ) L1=>L2: minimal rank is 3 (after t2, t3) L2=>L3: minimal rank is 4 (after t2, t3, t4) L3=>L4: minimal rank is 3 (after t3, t4) L4=>L H : minimal rank is 4 (after t3, t4, t5) Minimal rank (the deepest layer) of t is 3 LHLH LVLV

17 17 Approximate Solution t A1 A2 Task: to compute the lower bould of the minimal rank of tuple t I I1I1 I2I2 I3I3 I4I4 IIIII IV III 1 III 2 III 3 III 4 Four regions II: dominating region, data ranked before t IV: dominated region, data ranked after t I and III? Step 1: Partition regions I and III Step 2: Count cardinalities of region II and sub-regions I 1,…,I 4, III 1,…,III 4 Step 3: Match the cardinalities of the sub-regions and compute the lower bound Lower Bounding Theorem [Minimal ranking of t] >= card(II) + min( card(I 3 +I 2 +I 1 ), card(I 2 +I 1 +III 1 ), card(I 1 +III 1 +III 2 ), card(III 1 +III 2 +III 3 ))

18 18 Approximate Solution, Cont. t A1 A2 I I1I1 I2I2 I3I3 I4I4 IIIII IV III 1 III 2 III 3 III 4 Step 2: Count cardinalities of region II and sub-regions I 1,…,I 4, III 1,…,III 4 Count the cardinality of region II? 1. All tuples in region II dominate t 2. A reversed version of skyline problem 3. Standard divide and conquer solution (details in the paper) Count the cardinality of region I 1 ? Suppose t: (a1,a2) Line L: A 1 + 0.25A 2 =a1 + 0.25a2 Tuples in region I1 satisfy -A1 <= -a1 A1+0.25A2 <= a1 + 0.25 a2 TidA1A2 t0.50 t10.150.80 t20.250.55 t30.400.35 TidA1A2 t-0.500.63 t1-0.150.35 t2-0.250.39 t3-0.400.49 A1=-A1 A2=A1+0.25A2 L

19 19 Quality of the Approximate Solution Complexity: –B: number of partitions in each subspace –n: number of tuples –d: number of dimensions Approximate quality: –Assume data forms a uniform distribution –Each subspace is partitioned evenly –Partitioning according to the data distribution is an important and interesting future topic

20 20 Multiple Indices Why? –To relax the constraint –To decompose and strengthen the constraints How? (e.g., for w1<=w2) –Linearly transform R to R’, and build index on R’ (A1,A2) => (A1+A2, A2) –Rewrite query weights (w1,w2) => (w1,w2-w1) Ranking function: F=w1A1+w2A2 Where 0<=w1,w2<=1 Ranking function: F=w1A1+w2A2 Where 0<=w1<=w2<=1, or 0<=w2<=w1<=1 Relax Strengthen Data are projected to a smaller subspace (e.g., A1’ >=A2’ in the transformed subspace) Tuples can be pushed deeper since more domination can be found

21 21 Multiple Indices, Cont. Top-kConvex Shell Robust Indexing 5329148 10823262 202064427 506130813 10099651271 150100001618 200100001922 Number of tuples in top-k layers Synthetic Data: 10K tuples Using the same index space, robust indexing can build 8 indices (if the value of k is up bounded by 100)

22 22 Outline Introduction Robust Index Compute Robust Index –Exact Solution –Approximate Solution –Multiple Indices Performance Study Discussion and Conclusions

23 23 Performance Study Data –Synthetic data –Real dataset (abalone3D, cover3D) Measure –Number of tuples retrieved –Execution time not reported, but the robust indexing is expected to be even better Approaches for comparison –Onion (convex shell) –PREFER –Approximate Robust Indexing (AppRI), #partition=10

24 24 Index Construction Time Convex Shell, Convex Hull and AppRI are implemented by C++ Construction time on PREFER is not included since it is implemented in Java Using the system default parameter, PREFER takes more than 1200 seconds on the 50k data set

25 25 Query Performance Average Number of tuples retrieved on synthetic data Average Number of tuples retrieved on Cover3D data set

26 26 Multiple Indices (Views) Synthetic Data, 3 dimensions Build 3 robust indices by decompose the weighting parameters: w1=max(w1,w2,w3) w2=max(w1,w2,w3)

27 27 Discussion and Conclusions Strength –Easy to integrate with current DBMS –Good query performance –Practical construction complexity Limitation –Online index maintenance is expensive (some weaker maintaining strategies available) –Indexing high dimensional data remains a challenging problem

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