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1 Hi-Lumi WP3 meeting Update on the Q1 to D1 cryostat Jan 28, 2014  Outline  Cryostat cross section options  Elliptical interconnect.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Hi-Lumi WP3 meeting Update on the Q1 to D1 cryostat Jan 28, 2014  Outline  Cryostat cross section options  Elliptical interconnect."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Hi-Lumi WP3 meeting Update on the Q1 to D1 cryostat Jan 28, 2014  Outline  Cryostat cross section options  Elliptical interconnect sleeve feasibility  Piping layout and longitudinal integration  Summary

2 Pipe specifications (from Oct 2013) 2 Can the pumping line be smaller now?

3 3 Mike Anerella, Nov 2013

4 4 Increased diameter & centered cold mass  Maximum transport width in the tunnel is 1250 mm, simulation needed (C. Bertone)  Simplest cryostat shape  Short support post → higher heat load  Piping integration ok!

5 5 Elliptical cryostat  Simplified piping integration  Standard transport width  Standard support post  Interconnect sleeve is the main challenge (in contact with industry)  Cold mass can be centered

6 Integration in the tunnel: large cylindrical vs elliptical  On integration CAD models both cylindrical and elliptical versions seam ok (C. Collazos). Elliptical has the advantage of easier access for personnel on the sides. 6

7 Elliptical interconnect sleeve 7

8 Komplaflex feasibility study and cost estimation  2 mm thick shell  Flexibility +/-5 mm axial and transverse  Buckling safety factor 4.9  Cost (Offer from Kompaflex)  16 kCHF tooling (one-off)  6.7 kCHF/unit (on a basis of 25 unit order)  For comparison, cost of standard interconnect sleeves  2.1 kGBP/unit (price 2000-2001, LHC series) 8

9 Pipe routing - Some layout variants... 9 Q1Q2aQ2 bCPQ3D1 Q1Q2aQ2 bCPQ3D1 Q1Q2aQ2 bCPQ3D1

10 A first guess for the 3 jumpers variant 10 Split beamscreen loop in two?

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14 Interconnect length with LHC QQS 14 1125 Current HL-LHC layout interconnect length: 810 mm

15 Using the LHC quad QQS as reference 15 ~630 ~430 LHC QQS length determined by the phase separator. Eventual gain with smaller phase separator ~200 mm, i.e. IC length becomes 925 mm.

16 Summary  3 vacum vessel cross sections on the table: ID 890, ID 985, elliptical 890 by ~1112  Elliptical vessel: Interconnect sleeve is technically feasible at a reasonable cost  Assuming relatively small volume phase separators, the interconnect length is determined by the jumper diameter. We need:  First draft of piping diagrams (how many pipes in the jumper and inside the cryostat)  Hydraulic cross sections (how big are such pipes)  What can we do to simplify fabrication/ assembly/ interchangeability?  Phase separators even were they are not needed? More space required  Minimise the number of jumpers? More pipes along the cryostat cross section  Additional pipes for busbars? 16

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