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Neal Stublen Tonight’s Agenda  Interfaces  Generics  Code Organization  Databases  ADO.NET  Datasets  Q&A.

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Presentation on theme: "Neal Stublen Tonight’s Agenda  Interfaces  Generics  Code Organization  Databases  ADO.NET  Datasets  Q&A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neal Stublen

2 Tonight’s Agenda  Interfaces  Generics  Code Organization  Databases  ADO.NET  Datasets  Q&A


4 What’s an interface?  It’s like a class with… No member data All methods are public All methods are abstract  An interface implies nothing about the implementation behind it  A class can only inherit from one class  A class can implement multiple interfaces Interfaces often represent only a portion of a class’ functionality

5 Why interfaces?  Interfaces are better suited to situations in which your applications require many unrelated object types to provide certain functionality  Interfaces are more flexible than base classes because you can define a single implementation that can implement multiple interfaces.  Interfaces are better in situations in which you do not want or need to inherit implementation from a base class.  Structures cannot inherit from classes, but they can implement interfaces.

6 Common.NET Interfaces  IComparable Used to compare two objects Sorting algorithms  IDisposable Frees unmanaged resources when an object goes out of scope  If your classes implement these interfaces, they can be used wherever these interfaces are specified

7 Example Interfaces public interface IStreamable { bool Read(FileStream inInput); bool Write(FileStream inOutput); } public interface IHTMLDisplayable { void Render(OutputStream inStream); }

8 Implementing Interfaces public interface IStreamable { bool Read(FileStream inInput); bool Write(FileStream inOutput); } public class MyObject : IStreamable { public bool Read(FileStream inInput) { } public bool Write(FileStream inOutput) { } }

9 Implementing ICloneable // Duplicate any cloneable object public List Duplicator(ICloneable src, int count) { List list = new List (); for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) { list.Add(src.Clone()); } return list; }

10 Looking at IComparable  Any object that implements IComparable can be sorted with the generic Array.Sort() method


12 What’s a generic class?  A class definition that doesn’t explicitly declare all of the types it uses internally  Allows creation of new types by specifying those internal types later

13 Using Generic Types  Generic types are declared using <> after the type name Instead of the general purpose interface: IComparable Use the type-specific interface: IComparable class Temperature : IComparable

14 Generics Example class Average { public void Include(T inValue); public T Average { get {... } } Average integerAverage; Average doubleAverage;

15 Updating IComparable  Instead of comparing generic objects, we can compare Temperature objects

16 Common Generics  Collection classes List SortedList  Enumeration (foreach) IEnumerable IEnumerator

17 Generic Constraints public class MyGeneric where T: class { // T is a class (can be assigned null) } public class MyGeneric where T: class, IComparable { // T implements IComparable interface } public class MyGeneric where T: struct { // T is a struct } public class MyGeneric where T: new() { // T has a default constructor }


19 Code Organization  Multiple classes in a single file Closely related classes (e.g. EventArgs)  Nested classes Objects that only exist within the context of another type of object

20 Partial Classes  Split a single class over multiple files Forms split Designer code into separate file Possible to split interface implementations into separate files  Partial classes must have the same visibility  Partial methods split the declaration and implementation across files

21 Namespaces  Organize classes into logical groupings  Avoid type name collisions  using .

22 Nested Namespaces using ns1 { using ns2 { } } using ns1.ns2 { }


24 XML Documentation  Standardized documentation format for C# code  Type three slashes “///” before a method implementation or class member  tag is used by IntelliSense  Processed by third party tools Doxygen Sandcastle


26 Class Libraries  Share class across multiple projects  Projects “reference” other projects  Move SportsTeam into a class library


28 Databases  Client-server architecture One server, many clients Server runs Microsoft SQL Server Clients use ADO.NET 4  Relational databases SQL (Structured Query Language)

29 Tables  Tables store data  One or more records (rows)  A primary key uniquely identifies each row  Indexes provide an efficient way to access data based on values in specific columns

30 “Relations” Among Tables  Key columns are used to relate tables  Foreign keys in one table correspond to primary keys in another table One-to-many One-to-one Many-to-many

31 Table Columns  Columns are defined by a name and data type bit char, varchar, text datetime, smalldatetime decimal, numeric float, real bigint, int, smallint, tinyint money, smallmoney

32 Column Values  null (maybe, maybe not – depends on column definition)  Default value  Identity column (auto-increment)  Constraints

33 SELECT  Select data from a database SELECT column_name,column_name FROM table_name; SELECT * FROM table_name; SELECT title, publisher FROM books;

34 INNER JOIN  Select all rows from two table where specified columns have matching values SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name=table2.column_name; SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1 JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name=table2.column_name;  INNER JOIN is the same as JOIN

35 ADD, UPDATE, DELETE  Add a row to a table INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value1,value2,value3,...); INSERT INTO table_name (column1,column2,column3,...) VALUES (value1,value2,value3,...);  Update a row in a table UPDATE table_name SET column1=value1,column2=value2,... WHERE some_column=some_value;  Delete a row from a table DELETE FROM table_name WHERE some_column=some_value;

36 Online Reference  Tutorials and references


38 ADO.NET  Data providers implement a common API to various database servers SQL Server OLE DB ODBC Oracle  Third party MySQL SQLite

39 Components  Database server .NET data provider Connection ○ Connects to a specific database Command ○ SELECT, UPDATE, etc. DataReader, DataAdapter ○ Help retrieve data from a query

40 Datasets  Store data in a disconnected cache  Data source may be a database, XML data, local application data  Mimics the structure and behavior of a relational database

41 Datasets Mimic Relational DB  Dataset contains a collection of tables Not necessarily the same table from the database May be a subset of columns and rows May be joined to another table  Tables contain a collection of columns  Tables contain a collection of rows  Tables contain a collection of constraints  Dataset contains a collection of relations  Everything is accessed through object properties

42 Alternatives to Datasets  You can use Command and Connection objects directly Select, Insert, Update, Delete

43 Database Concurrency  Multiple clients accessing data  ADO.NET datasets are “disconnected”  Pessimistic concurrency Lock database records to prevent conflicts  Optimistic concurrency Check for data changes before writing Throw an exception if data has changed  “Last in wins” Data is written by last operation Data may be lost

44 Avoid Concurrency Issues  Update and refresh datasets frequently  Avoid updating large tables in datasets  Only reduces risk! You still must handle the exceptions



47 Populating a Database  SQLExpress should be installed with Visual Studio  The book provides a.sql file for populating the MMABooks database in SQLExpress  Double-click the.bat file on the S: drive  We’ll need to repeat this process at the start of each class session

48 Confirm Database Access  Using Visual Studio to locate the new database as a Data Source View > Server Explorer Add Connection... Server name:.\SQLEXPRESS Database name: MMABooks Test Connection

49 Using the Data Sources Window

50 Dataset Summary  Instead of a database, we can pull data from: WCF Data Services Custom objects SharePoint  Entity Framework Object-relational mapping framework (ORM) Maps database table data to C# objects ○ Object instance represents a table row  View > Server Explorer

51 Dataset Summary  Connection strings can be stored in app.config  Allows reuse of the connection string  A dataset can be modified in Visual Studio to add tables, columns, etc.  Visual Studio generates.xsd schema files for the dataset


53 DataGridView Control  Bound control  Table view of the dataset  Multiple objects are added to the form

54 Other Bound Controls  Change default data control for table in Data Sources  Change default data control for columns in Data Sources

55 Behind the Scenes…  Load event is updated for the form  Save click event is updated for the binding navigator

56 Bound TextBox Controls  Formatting and Advanced Binding  Select TextBox  Open Properties Window  Expand DataBindings property  Select Advanced option, click “…”  Select new format type  Specify representation of null value

57 Bound ComboBox Controls  Populate a ComboBox with values from a column of a database table  SelectedItem is used to specify the value in a column of another database table

58 Code Practice  Select customer state using dropdown list ComboBox instead of TextBox  Create StatesDataSet in Data Source window  Add DataSet control for StatesDataSet and set DataSetName property  Add BindingSource control for DataSet and set DataSource/DataMember properties  Set State field to use ComboBox  Set ComboBox to use data bound controls  Clear ComboBox data bindings for Text property

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