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Stock Market Crash Oct. 29, 1929. Black Tuesday Stock market collapse  people panic/lost faith and sold=stock prices go down People were trying to sell.

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Presentation on theme: "Stock Market Crash Oct. 29, 1929. Black Tuesday Stock market collapse  people panic/lost faith and sold=stock prices go down People were trying to sell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stock Market Crash Oct. 29, 1929

2 Black Tuesday Stock market collapse  people panic/lost faith and sold=stock prices go down People were trying to sell shares=nobody wanted to buy


4 Stock on Credit People bought stock on credit (money they didn’t have)=huge debt Others lost entire savings in the market

5 Money Lost Mid November 1929  investors lost $30 million=amount of money spent by USA on WWI!!!!

6 Results of the Crash Signaled the “Great Depression” People panicked/withdrew their money from banks Banks invested their money into stock market=didn’t have enough to pay the people

7 People pulling money out of bank!

8 Results of the Crash 1929=600 banks fail 1932=25,000 banks fail Banks were not insured/when they failed people lost all of their money!

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