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S CHEDULE  See Sub Plans Independent Study. 8 TH G RADE …NO COMPUTERS!!  8 out of 10 computers not plugged in!  Computers stacked on top of each other!

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Presentation on theme: "S CHEDULE  See Sub Plans Independent Study. 8 TH G RADE …NO COMPUTERS!!  8 out of 10 computers not plugged in!  Computers stacked on top of each other!"— Presentation transcript:

1 S CHEDULE  See Sub Plans Independent Study

2 8 TH G RADE …NO COMPUTERS!!  8 out of 10 computers not plugged in!  Computers stacked on top of each other!  Must earn priviledge back! 2 Weeks

3 8 TH G RADE I NDEPENDENT S TUDY A SSIGNMENTS T2W11 D UE F EBRUARY 22 Name_______________________ Total Work Complete=___________ 760-404-7289  Physical Education  5 PE Credits Due March 1  ____P.E Log-320 Minute  ____****Water PE Article  Grade______________  TW________________


5 L ESSON 4-9  Click…icon  Click….computer  Open  1. Review square roots with Packet  2. Do 4-9 together

6 M ATH - Through (All Students)  ____Do for lessons 4-6 and 4-9  Parent Signature_________________________________  ____Chapter 4 Lesson 9-all  ____Square Root Packet  ____Pythagorean Theorem Packet  ____Pythagorean Theorem Sequence Chain  ____Algebra Module Pg. 1-6  Grade___________ TW_______________ Into (Below Grade Level or getting D/F)  _______Timed Multiplication Practice Activity Beyond…Extra Credit -Make a poster telling who Pythagoras was and what his theorem was used for. Objectives: Students will… -know how to find the square root of a number -know how to estimate “imperfect” square roots -Know how to use the Pythagorea n Theoram

7 8 TH G RADE A MERICAN H ISTORY T2-W EEK 11 Objectives: Students will….  (Lang.) Explain how the Fugitive Slave Act effected Northerners  Explain what “popular sovereignty” is  Describe the violence of “Bleeding Kansas”

8 L ESSON 15-2 Fugitive Slave Act  Bubble Map! Kansas Nebraska Act  See Map

9 R ESEARCH P APER  Notecards…………Outline  I. Introduction/Thesis Paragraph (G)  II. Tribe Background (Y)  III. Indian Removal Act (Y)  IV. Effect of Act on Tribe (Y)  V. Tribe Today (Y)  VI. Conclusion (G) 1. Sources on plain side 2. 2. Notes on lined side

10 Into/Through (All Students)  ____Read Ch. 15 Lesson 2 Pg. 462. Take Cornell Notes WEEKLY.  ____Do 15-2 Questions Pg. 465  ____Workbook 15.1 and 15.2  ____Fugitive Save Act Bubble Map  ____Map Activity  ____Type the Body of your Report…spell check…print or email to me  Indian Report Due 3/1  Ch. 13 Powerpoint/packet Due 3/1 (Those with D/F on Ch. 13 Test)  4 Hours Community Service Due March 1  Grade_______ TW______________  Beyond (Advanced and Extra Credit)  Do a Cause/Effect Map based on one of the reformers from Chapter 14  Powerpoint of Reformers

11 H OUSEKEEPING  Stamp  Grading  Headings  Note Check  Attendance Drawing  4 Day Week!  Happy Valentines Day!  Sub Next Week!  Water PE Article

12 8 TH G RADE P HYSICAL S CIENCE T2-W EEK 11 Objectives: Students will….  understand how positions are exhibited on a coordinate plane  Map coordinates on a plane  Understand how distance and direction are used to find a position on a map or coordinate plane

13 B ENCHMARK T EST Science Benchmark

14 Into/Through (All Students)  ____Read Ch. 12 Lesson 1. Take Cornell Notes WEEKLY  ____12-1 Questions Pg. 247  ____Worksheet 12-1 (Coordinate Plane)  ____Good Fats/Bad Fats Questions Pg. 237  Ch. 10 Packet Due (For those with D’s and F’s on Ch. Test)  Grade__________ TW__________ Beyond-Do poster Pg. 238 (**Counts for PE too!!)

15 8 TH G RADE L ANGUAGE A RTS T2-W EEK 11 Objectives: Students will….  understand what the characteristics of poetry are  Identify poetic devices  Paraphrase a poem  Use a poem’s form to understand its meaning

16 R EDO S YMBOLISM P OSTER - D UE T ODAY Requirements: 1.Illustration 2.Definition of symbolism 3.Paragraph telling how Poe used symbolism 4.Title/Heading

17 P OETRY I NTRO -P G. 572 Powerpoint  Make notes on Budget Vocabulary Matrix  NOT EVERYTHING… you can finish at home!! Movie today!  Louder than a bomb

18 M OVIE -”L OUDER T HAN A B OMB ” 1. Summary Planner 2. Write Summary at home!

19 I NTO (S TRATEGIC S TUDENTS ) ____I NTERACTIVE R EADER A CTIVITIES FOR THIS WEEK ’ S STORY ____F LUENCY B UILDER A CTIVITIES (3 PER WEEK ADMINISTERED BY P ARENT ) Through (All Students)  ____*Read “Poetry Skills Focus” Pgs. 572-577. Do Reader Writer Notebook.  ____Poetry Budget Vocabulary Matrix  ____Questions Pg. 575  ____Questions Pg. 577  ____Read Poetry Reading Model Pgs. 578-581. Do Questions 2,3,4 on Pg. 581. (Use words!!)  ____Summary of “Louder Than A Bomb”  ____Bring the lyrics from one of your favorite songs (Off internet…no foul language…etc…bring more if you want…let’s have fun with this one!)  ____Read Warriners Handbook Pgs. 288-  Grade__________ TW__________  Beyond (Advanced and Extra Credit)  Bring a poetry book

20 T ESTING /C ONFERENCE T IME Tests History Ch. 14


22 C H. 10 L ESSON 2-PPT  PH Balance  PPT

23 W ARRINERS H ANDBOOK  Pg. 288  Proper Nouns

24 S LOPE  Algebra Module

25 WEBSITE   Use code on each lesson from book  Example: mt8ca 2-9

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