SD Regional Security Conference Division Chief Kelly Good September 15, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "SD Regional Security Conference Division Chief Kelly Good September 15, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 SD Regional Security Conference Division Chief Kelly Good September 15, 2010

2 Presenter’s Name June 17, 2003 2

3 3

4 4 San Diego Sector AOR  60-mile land border  Mountains, Mesas and Valleys  Urban, Rural and Remote  Egress Routes  I-8, I-15, I-5  114 miles of coastline  Beaches and High Bluffs  Urban, Industrial and Military  Levels of Control  Controlled, Managed, Monitored, Low-Level Monitored

5 Presenter’s Name June 17, 2003 5 Technology Solutions  SBInet Concept  Detect, Identify, Classify, Track, Respond and Resolve  Commonly used resources  Fixed (RVS), mobile and portable day/night imaging devices  MSS  Unattended Ground Sensors  Aircraft, vessels, and vehicles  Threat-Based  Capability x Intent = Threat  Threat x Vulnerability = Risk

6 Presenter’s Name June 17, 2003 6 Situational Awareness  Tracking multiple events moving through an AOR  Prediction  Entry and interception points  Intra-Agency  Inter-Agency

7 Presenter’s Name June 17, 2003 7 Application  Land-based  Layered-approach  Cameras  Sensors  Aircraft  Specialty units  Marine-based  Traditional linewatch strategy and tactics applied to maritime operations  Boat Patrols supplemented with land-based technology assets  United States Coast Guard  United States Navy

8 Presenter’s Name June 17, 2003 8 Integrated Application  Joint acquisition and application of technology resources  Marine-based  Persistent detection (radars, cameras, acoustic etc.)  Civilian LE partners and Military  Shared intelligence  Land-based  LPRs- Stonegarden  Civilian LE partners  Emerging Threats  Subterranean

9 Presenter’s Name June 17, 2003 9 Detection


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