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 Yoga originated from India  Yoga is the Hindu practice or physical, mental, and spiritual discipline  The goal of yoga is to meditate while attaining.

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Presentation on theme: " Yoga originated from India  Yoga is the Hindu practice or physical, mental, and spiritual discipline  The goal of yoga is to meditate while attaining."— Presentation transcript:


2  Yoga originated from India  Yoga is the Hindu practice or physical, mental, and spiritual discipline  The goal of yoga is to meditate while attaining a state of perfect insight  Yoga means to unite or attach  There are many types of yoga- Bhakti, Jnana and Karma Yoga  Yoga is known to have existed for more than 5,000 years  There are eight limbs in yoga; they are: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi and each of them is an aspect of yoga and meditation  Yoga is also referred to as “asana”

3 Yoga is an exercise like any other, but there are so many other benefits to it. It can help someone in so many different ways. So many people don’t even know about it and I think it is time they do. Why should we care? We need to address this situation somehow because our brain has a neat way of reacting to yoga and we should take advantage from it! It helps us in numerous ways. I think it should be a part of our daily lives also since it helps us potentially. If someone lacks in focus, remembering things, or they have breathing problems, yoga is their key. Yoga is also a stress reliever since it relaxes your brain. Since there are so many ways that yoga helps us, we should really think about doing justice to it.

4 I think we can take action if we really try. We could:  Try to get most schools at least in Wake county to include yoga in the PE/Health curriculum.  Since not many people know about yoga, many schools don’t get to educate students about it, but many of us don’t even realize how helpful it is so it does not take a place in the curriculum.( and it really should)

5 We should do this because……  Yoga is a potential help to kids  It is time to spread the word!  It is counted as exercise!( and we need exercise)  It is a good way to keep your overall health in shape  There is a lot of good information everyone still needs to learn about it

6  Zen is also similar to yoga  Before starting a yoga practice, you are supposed to say”om”  There is a type of yoga called doga and it is for achieving harmony with pets  Yoga has been called the most successful products of globalization  The yoga symbol is: It is the om symbol

7  Wikipedia-  American yoga association-  ABC of  About  Primary Source: Mr. Mittal- a yoga teacher-


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