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Anthropology Student Association TODAY 4:30PM in NEW KINGS, room 3. Meet staff, intro to association. THE BOBBIN (King Street opposite the playing fields)

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Presentation on theme: "Anthropology Student Association TODAY 4:30PM in NEW KINGS, room 3. Meet staff, intro to association. THE BOBBIN (King Street opposite the playing fields)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anthropology Student Association TODAY 4:30PM in NEW KINGS, room 3. Meet staff, intro to association. THE BOBBIN (King Street opposite the playing fields) from 6:00PM Drinking and Socializing

2 Pathfinder When youre stuck, ask the librarian If you dont find anything, describe all the references and databases you consulted, how searched, and the null result

3 Speech Community Definite group defined by shared norms? No Organization of difference Not bounded, not homogenous

4 Speech Community Gumperz - a set of people defined by frequency of social interaction patters and differentiated from nearby speech communities by weak lines of communication. Small, face-to-face group or large region, depending on the level of abstraction need by the anthropologist

5 Multilingualism More common than an exception Multiple codes and shifting among them is a common resource available to speakers - means different things We, no we here, openness, play, connections

6 Speech Community Product of the communicative activities engaged in by a given group of people. Speaking (communicating) creates human communities

7 Language and Power Language varieties, registers are ranked in a hierarchy of prestige and power A lot of what you do in University is acquire prestige forms of language and learn how to deploy prestigious registers effectively in writing and speaking

8 Vaupes River area of NW Amazon many tribes in a homogeneous culture area speaking many different languages Tukano is a lingua franca Tribe is the linguistic group Named political and ceremonial unit, consisting of several clans Associated with own history and language Aligned with one phratry (exogamous group) Longhouse is the basic social, economic and political group

9 Language use in Vaupes Language associated with group identity is the fathers tongue - patrilineal clans and virilocal marriage. Linguistic exogamy - every longhouse will have 3-4 other languages through the father-tongues of the in-marrying women (childrens mothers) Here language is defined in terms of mutual unintelligibility Local category Languages not mixed in use

10 Ways of speaking and translation in Vaupes Translation between languages important in official situations. Spanish not translated by word, but by the sentence Repeating in translation defines a situation as important Respectful Defensive function Indicates assent, dissent, aids social understanding

11 Multilingualism in Vaupes Mothers speak different languages Men learn prospective wifes language from his prospective mother-in-law Wide travel on the rivers Mission villages have multiple father languages Indians are blasé about their multilingualism Underrate their ability to control a language

12 Organization of diversity Lingua franca (Tukano) is not easy 6 dialects Not pidginized, one dialect is learned and used Intricate tonal system One-language to one-culture model doesnt work Chomskys ideally fluent speaker is his fantasy

13 Musical terminology Ripieno - filling up, swelling, adding to the sound Concertante - concert for two or more principal instruments, with orchestral accompaniment Ritornello - A short intermediate symphony, or instrumental passage, in the course of a vocal piece; an interlude.

14 Oral texts

15 Sure enough the boy outdistanced the others, while his mother and his elder sister and brother Still followed their child. As they followed him He was far in the lead, but they followed on, they were on the run And sure enough his uncles werent thinking about killing deer, it was the boy they were after. And ALL THE PEOPLE WHO HAD COME KILLED THE DEER killed the deer Wherever they made their kills they gutted them, put them on their backs, and went home. Tedlocks Oral Performance

16 Two of the uncles Then Went ahead of the group, and a third uncle (voice breaking) dropped his elder sister His elder brother His mother. He gutted them there While the other two uncles went on. As they went ON The boy pretended to be tired. The first uncle pleaded: Tisshomahhá! STOP, he said, Lets stop this contest now.

17 DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY Inaugural Lecture and Colloquia 31 st October and 1 st November 2003 Anthropology at Aberdeen - Lecture by Tim Ingold 5 p.m. Friday October 31 st, Kings College (follow signs) Colloquium on the Anthropology of the North Gisli Palsson, Piers Vitebsky, Alex King, David Anderson 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., Saturday November 1 st, Marischal Museum Colloquium on Art, Anthropology and Visual Culture Susanne Kuechler, Chris Gosden, Nancy Wachowich, Elizabeth Hallam 2 – 5 p.m., Saturday November 1 st, Marischal Museum The British Academy Radcliffe-Brown Memorial Lecture: The genealogy of descent, Gillian Feeley-Harnik, Univ of Michigan 6 p.m., Saturday November 1 st, Kings College For further details, please contact email:

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