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Information Captured in a Spreadsheet You can access the spreadsheet from the Operations webpage under Information Access StudyInformation Access Study:

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Presentation on theme: "Information Captured in a Spreadsheet You can access the spreadsheet from the Operations webpage under Information Access StudyInformation Access Study:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Captured in a Spreadsheet You can access the spreadsheet from the Operations webpage under Information Access StudyInformation Access Study:

2 LPDAAC Homepage SDDS EROS Homepage User EROS Homepage “Advertising” webpage GLOVIS Information Access Systems SDDS SRTM User Elevation Data Satellite Data Data (products) Examples GLOVIS EO-1 ALI User NED Landsat 7 Simple EROS Information Access Relationship Map - 1 (User -> “Advertising” Webpage -> IA System -> Data Types)

3 ARMI CEOS HDDS Drought Monitor EDNA Kentucky EDNA Lake Mich. Lincoln Pilot New Jersey Afghanistan Border Health Vegetation Earth Sci for Kids Map Studio MRLC Orthoimagery Tampa Bay Topobathy SDDS GOS TerraServer GLOVIS EDG ECHO EE DataPool PhotoFinder Elevation Data Land cover Data Aerial Data Satellite Data Map Data Misc Data EROS Home Page LP DAAC Home Page Burn Severity site Image Gallery GTOPO30 site ADDS site Afghanistan FEWS Central Am. FEWS Haiti FEWS Global AVHRR 10-day composite AVHRR Land-Sea Mask NA AVHRR 10-day composite AVHRR Stitched Orbital Segments Hydro 1k site NASA SIR-C SRTM DTED® L1 SRTM DTED® L2 SRTM 3-arc second SRTM 1-arc second MODIS DB State MODIS DB Retrieval GeoCafe IABIN GIS Data Map Studio GLCC site MRLC 2001 site MRLC 1992 site NED Index Map Pheno. Char Data Landsat Edu. CD Land Deformation Earthshots Metadata FTP D/L UNEP/GRID Clearinghouse Users USGS GeoData Download FGDC Clearinghouse The Nat’l Map USGS Home Page “Advertising” Websites EROS Access System Data / Product Type Non-EROS Access System Users LEGEND National Atlas NHD site Users EROS Information Access Relationship Map - 2 (User -> “Advertising” Website -> IA System -> General Data Types)

4 EROS Information Access Relationship Map - 3 (Users -> “Advertising” Website -> IA System -> Specific Data)

5 Information Source Map; Key (and select) Information Access Systems

6 Reuse Map; Key (and select) Information Access Systems

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