A Closer Look STAR Network ROI Return On Investment Joy Kniskern, Pass It On Center January 26, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "A Closer Look STAR Network ROI Return On Investment Joy Kniskern, Pass It On Center January 26, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Closer Look STAR Network ROI Return On Investment Joy Kniskern, Pass It On Center January 26, 2011

2 Company LOGO Table Expanding AT Reuse2 Touch the Future Home of ReBoot™ Computer and AT Reuse Program & STAR Enterprise Depot Distribution Model ROI on 3 Year Demonstration Grant and One Collection Drive

3 Company LOGO Expanding AT Reuse3 Costs:3 Year Demo Grant$587,703 Assets:MSRP + Consumer Payments$1,561,143 Type of Devices # DevicesMSRP Consumer Payments Computer & AT Items976$229,474$48,330 Manual Wheelchairs330 Powered WC & Scooters66$1,047,619$6,694 Hospital Beds46$212,513$1,418 ADL and Gait Trainers998$13,263$137 Vision Products7None Learning Products2None Environmental Products1None Recreational Products7$1,695 None Totals2433$1,504,564$56,579 ROI=Assets- Costs$1,561,143 - $587,703 Costs$587,507 ROI =Almost $2.00

4 Company LOGO Expanding AT Reuse4 First STAR Network Collection Drive - One Mega Church - Two Days Atlanta, Georgia Costs Personnel: Admin - State$75.00 Admin - TY Letters$49.00 Admin - Data Entry$25.00 STAR Employees$90.00(2 Employees x 3 Hr.x $15.00 per hr) Travel$10.00 SuppliesNone Truck$108.50($101.33 rental +.10/mile) Fuel$3.30(1 Gal. of Diesel Fuel @.12/mile) Advertising$50.00(I Flyer Emailed) Total Costs$410.80 AssetsROI = Assets - Costs$4,240 - $296.80 DME (N=101)$4,000(39.60/item MSRP)Costs$410.80 Computers (N=70) NoneROI = $9.60 Cash Donations$60.00 Recycling Fees$75.00 Value of Scrap$65.00 2 Volunteers$40.00(2 volunteers@$8.00/hr.x 2 1/2 hrs.) Total Assets$4,240

5 Company LOGO Table Why evaluate performance? Some managers dread this responsibility.  It should be a personnel development tool, not reserved for punitive action.  It should be an ongoing process of goal-setting, review and coaching – not an annual event.  Nothing on the annual review should be new information to the worker. No surprises!  Volunteers can be included in performance evaluation, although a different form may be used. Expanding AT Reuse5

6 Company LOGO Table Questions? Developing a Performance Evaluation Form  One section should assess the worker’s performance of the specific duties and tasks.  A second section may be common to all positions and address workplace behaviors. Expanding AT Reuse6

7 Company LOGO Table Questions? Developing a Performance Evaluation Form  One section should assess the worker’s performance of the specific duties and tasks.  A second section may be common to all positions and address workplace behaviors. Expanding AT Reuse7

8 Company LOGO Table Questions? Contact: trish@passitoncenter.org joanne.willis@touchthefuture.us Expanding AT Reuse8 DISCLAIMER This work is supported under five-year cooperative agreement #H235V060016 awarded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, and is administered by the Pass It On Center of the Georgia Department of Labor – Tools for Life. However, the contents of this publication do not necessarily represent the policy or opinions of the Department of Education, or the Georgia Department of Labor, and the reader should not assume endorsements of this document by the Federal government or the Georgia Department of Labor.

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