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POLITICS TODAY New Social Movements A new type of politics? A barometer of changes in society.

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Presentation on theme: "POLITICS TODAY New Social Movements A new type of politics? A barometer of changes in society."— Presentation transcript:

1 POLITICS TODAY New Social Movements A new type of politics? A barometer of changes in society

2 1. What is a New Social Movement (NSM)? 2. Types of New Social Movement 3. Old social movements 4. Why have NSMs arisen? 5. Alberto Melucci: new types of political conflict 6. Strengths and weaknesses of NSMs

3 What is a New Social Movement? Organised activity that encourages or discourages social change (Macionis and Plummer)

4 Anthony Giddens: A collective attempt to further a common interest or secure a common goal through collective action outside the sphere of established institutions

5 Feminist groups Anti-racist groups (e.g. the Anti-Nazi League) Anti-War groups Types of New Social Movement

6 Gay rights groups (e.g. Outrage) Environmental groups (e.g. Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth) Animal rights groups (e.g. Animal Liberation Front)

7 Common characteristics of NSMs n Critical of status quo n Focus on ONE particular issue

8 Old Social Movements Political parties: - inside established political system - do not fundamentally challenge that system

9 Why Have NSMs Arisen? Public disillusion with established political system 1) Distrust of politicians 2) Political system seems remote? 3) New political issues need attention

10 Alberto Melucci: new types of political conflict WHO is involved? WHAT does the conflict involve? WHERE does the conflict occur?

11 WHO is involved? Anyone (potentially) Not class-based Beyond Left and Right?

12 Representation Party: n individual is represented by others Social movement: n genuine participant WHO is involved?

13 WHAT does the conflict involve? n Political parties: multiple issues (welfare, health, economy, jobs, etc. etc.) n NSMs: single issue politics

14 To change the political culture Feminist groups in 1970s: The personal is the political Politics of LIFESTYLE

15 Anti-Fur Industry Protests Clothes and fashion made into political issues

16 Animal Rights – since 1970s e.g. Factory farming Animals made political

17 WHERE does the conflict occur? Political system: Inside / invisible NSMs: Outside / visible

18 Strengths and weaknesses of NSMs STRENGTHS: 1) Can concentrate on single issue 2) Strong commitments 3) Sense of real membership 4) Can build on public sympathy

19 WEAKNESSES: 1) OUTSIDE established system: lack influence 2) Rely on mass media 3) Public apathy

20 4) Bureaucratisation 5) Splits within movements: - reformists and radicals

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