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Global Warming. It’s a growing problem… Animals are in danger.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Warming. It’s a growing problem… Animals are in danger."— Presentation transcript:


2 Global Warming. It’s a growing problem…


4 Animals are in danger

5 Humans…are becoming more sweaty and smelly.

6 Trees are more susceptible to forest fires.

7 Proof…

8 What’s the CAUSE???

9 Greenhouse effect!

10 Burning coal and fossil fuels!

11 Output from Vehicles! Carbon monoxide Nitrogen dioxide Sulfur dioxide Benzene Formaldehyde Polycyclic hydrocarbons Lead

12 What Can We Do?!?!

13 Reduce your carbon foot print!

14 Don’t support the industries that put toxins into our air…

15 Use public transportation


17 The world is in our hands!

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