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TELECOM ITALIA GROUP P2P-TV Workshop Torino, Jan 2011 Application-Layer Traffic Optimization How did we get here? Where are we going? Enrico Marocco

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Presentation on theme: "TELECOM ITALIA GROUP P2P-TV Workshop Torino, Jan 2011 Application-Layer Traffic Optimization How did we get here? Where are we going? Enrico Marocco"— Presentation transcript:

1 TELECOM ITALIA GROUP P2P-TV Workshop Torino, Jan 2011 Application-Layer Traffic Optimization How did we get here? Where are we going? Enrico Marocco

2 P2P-TV Application-Layer Traffic Optimization Weekend Planning 2 Portofino Rimini Sorrento Taormina Sanremo

3 P2P-TV Application-Layer Traffic Optimization Network Applications – Client-to-server File transfer, remote shell, web browsing 3 Client Server Resource

4 P2P-TV Application-Layer Traffic Optimization Network Applications – Client-to-server-to-server DNS, email, usenet, messaging 4 Client Server Resource

5 P2P-TV Application-Layer Traffic Optimization Network Applications – Peer-to-peer File sharing, realtime communications 5 Client Server Resource Client Resource

6 P2P-TV Application-Layer Traffic Optimization Network Applications Evolution 6 196019701980199020002010 Client/Server Peer-to-peer...... email file transferfile transfer DNS usenet web browsingweb browsing Skype VoIP BitTorrent Napster Spotify CDN ed2k remote shellremote shell PPLive streaming

7 P2P-TV Application-Layer Traffic Optimization 7 email file transferfile transfer DNS usenet web browsingweb browsing Skype VoIP BitTorrent Napster Spotify CDN ed2k remote shellremote shell PPLive streaming Transaction Target: A host on the Internet Optimization goal: Find the best route from client to server Transaction Target: A replicated resource Optimization goal: Find the best resource instance(s)

8 P2P-TV Application-Layer Traffic Optimization IETF ALTO Working Group Genesis ► “Can ISPs and P2P systems co-operate for improved performance?” V. Aggarwal, A. Feldmann, C. Scheideler (July 2007) ► “Comcast Throttles BitTorrent Traffic. Seeding Impossible,” TorrentFreak (August 2007) ► “Verizon reports P4P can slash P2P's impact on ISPs,” (March 2008) ► IETF P2P Infrastructure Workshop (March 2008, Boston, MA, USA) ► Application-Layer Traffic Optimization BoF (July 2008, 72 nd IETF Meeting, Dublin, Ireland) ► IETF Application-Layer Traffic Optimization Working Group formed (October 2008) 8

9 P2P-TV Application-Layer Traffic Optimization IETF ALTO Working Group Goal 9 “[..] design and specify an Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) service that will provide applications with information to perform better-than-random initial peer selection”

10 P2P-TV Application-Layer Traffic Optimization ALTO Information Network and Cost Maps 10

11 P2P-TV Application-Layer Traffic Optimization ALTO Information Ranking 11

12 P2P-TV Application-Layer Traffic Optimization ALTO Information Maps and Ranking Combined 12

13 P2P-TV Application-Layer Traffic Optimization Status of the IETF ALTO Working Group ► Problem statement: done ► Requirements: ~90% ► Protocol specification: ~70% ► Discovery mechanism: ~50% ► Deployment considerations: ~40% ► CDN use case: ~20% ► Interoperability event for pre-standard implementations planned for July 13

14 P2P-TV Application-Layer Traffic Optimization Experiences ► Several independent implementations ► >= 4 vendors, research labs, universities ► Integration in real applications ► P4P trial ► Comcast, Verizon, Telefonica, AT&T ► China Telecom / Xunlei trial 14

15 P2P-TV Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (Possibly) Waiting for ALTO RIPE ATLAS Initiative 15

16 P2P-TV Application-Layer Traffic Optimization A Few Pointers ► Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Problem Statement, RFC 5693 ► A Survey on Research on the Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Problem, RFC 6029 ► Comcast's ISP Experiences in a Proactive Network Provider Participation for P2P (P4P) Technical Trial, RFC 5632 ► ALTO and DECADE service trial within China Telecom, ► IETF ALTO Working Group, ► RIPE ATLAS Initiative, 16

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