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 Antebellum  Emancipate  Yeomen Farmers  Sectionalism  Tariff  Sovereign  States’ Rights  Nullification  Secession  Abolitionist  Interdependent.

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Presentation on theme: " Antebellum  Emancipate  Yeomen Farmers  Sectionalism  Tariff  Sovereign  States’ Rights  Nullification  Secession  Abolitionist  Interdependent."— Presentation transcript:


2  Antebellum  Emancipate  Yeomen Farmers  Sectionalism  Tariff  Sovereign  States’ Rights  Nullification  Secession  Abolitionist  Interdependent  Popular Sovereignty


4  Antebellum – refers to the time period before the Civil War.  Books that help portray life in the Antebellum period:  Gone With the Wind – Margaret Mitchell  Uncle Ramus and Brer Rabbit – Joel Chandler Harris

5  King Cotton – the idea that cotton controlled every aspect of Southern Life during the Antebellum period. Cotton Ruled the South.

6  Piedmont – most of Georgia’s cotton was produced in the Piedmont region.

7  Life on a Plantation  Planters – people who owned the farm.  Overseers – People put in charge of the plantation in place of the planter.  Driver – a loyal slave who keeps other slaves in line.  Slaves – people who do most of the manual labor.

8  Southern Social Class  Planters – owned plantations and multiple slaves. Controlled society.  Yeomen Farmers – Owned less than 100 acres. Few or no slaves.  Poor Whites – owned little land.  Slaves – worked in the service of others Slaves and Poor Whites Yeomen Farmers Planters


10  SECTIONALISM – the belief that the way of life in your region of the country is better or more important than in other parts of the country.

11 SOUTHNORTH  Relied on Agriculture.  Most people worked long hours on farms. This included poor whites and slaves.  Relied on industry such as factories, mines, banks, and railroads.  Most people worked long hours for little pay

12  Tariff – a tax on imported items.  Northerners – supported tariffs  Southerners – opposed tariffs  This is because Southerners would be forced to buy items from the North.

13  Nullification – Southerners believed that every state was SOVEREIGN and that STATES’ RIGHTS were important so they tried to NULLIFY laws that required them to pay tariffs.  Many discussed SECESSION


15 BALANCE OF POWERS: There was an equal number of slaves states and free states. This prevented any laws dealing with slavery from passing. But how do we admit new states?

16  Missouri Compromise – states must enter the Union in pairs.  Missouri entered the Union as a slave state  Maine entered the Union as a free state.

17  Compromise of 1850  Gold discovered in California.  California enters the Union as a free state.  Texas enters the Union as a slave state.

18  Kansas-Nebraska Act  Created Kansas and Nebraska  Decided to use POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY. People in each state voted on the slavery issue.  Bleeding Kansas – people from North and South moved to Kansas and fought over slavery.

19  Georgia Platform  The General Assembly issued a statement saying that they put the “ideas” of the Constitution above the well-being of the whole country.

20  Dred Scott Decision  Dred Scott was a slave who sued his master to keep his freedom.  Supreme Court said slaves are property and have no right to sue. Dred Scott stayed a slave.


22  Famous Abolitionists  Harriet Beecher Stowe – wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin  Frederick Douglas – wrote an autobiography and edited The North Star  Sojourner Truth – fought for women’s rights and slaves rights.

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