Organization Zonta International Zonta International Foundation Zonta International Foundation (ZIF), the official charitable foundation of Zonta International,

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2 Organization Zonta International Zonta International Foundation Zonta International Foundation (ZIF), the official charitable foundation of Zonta International, advances and sustains Zonta's global service and education development programs to improve the legal, political, economic, educational, health and professional status of women at the global and local level. Zonta International, its districts and clubs are nonsectarian and nonpartisan Zontians all over the world volunteer their time, talents and support to advance the status of women through service and advocacy Founded in Buffalo, New York, USA in 1919 by Marian de Forest

3 Zonta International and Zonta International Foundation Zonta International 32 Districts in 63 countries/regions 1 204 clubs 30 473 members in February 2012 District 21 Sweden and Latvia 6 Areas 71 clubs 2 393 members in February 2012 Zonta International Foundation Is an NGO whose only income source is contributions from Zonta clubs, individual Zontians and Zonta friends all over the world.

4 Zonta International and United Nations

5 Zonta and the United Nations Zonta International is an NGO of the United Nations: ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council) ILO (International Labour Organization) DPI (Department of Public Information) CoNGO (Conference for Non Governmental Organizations) UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris) The Human Rights Council (now the Commission) in ECOSOC (Genève) Zonta International has participating status in the European Council Members of the International UN committee represents Zonta International in New York, Geneva, Vienna and Paris

6 International service projects are decided by ZI Convention and are operated in close cooperation with established organizations and agents such as the UN Women Zonta International’s strategies to prevent violence againce women is operated by Zonta International Strategies to prevent Violence Against Women – ZISVAW International service projects

7 Bylaws and Resolutions Committee United Nations Committee Legislative Awareness and Advocacy Committee Amelia Earhart Fellowship Committee Jane M Klausman Women in Business Scholarship Committee Young Women in Public Affairs Committee District Foundation Ambassador (DFA) OMC (Organization Membership and Classification) Committee Z and Golden Z Clubs Committee Service Committee Zonta Committes Louise Widén, Trelleborg-Vellinge MaryLou Espiritu-Olsson, Örebro II Susanne Malmström, Jönköping I Birgitta Birkoff, Västra Skaraborg – Margaretha Sjöblom, Nyköping II Viveka AÅ, Örebro II/Ingegerd Wennerbeck, Lund Lt. Governor Liisa SE - Marianne v H Ann Margreth Hellberg, Mölndal Ruth Brunner, Hässleholm Samordnare i Distrikt 21

8 IT Ljúfa Elfwing PR Annica Lind Nordberg Archives & Centennial Anniversary Bodil Ulate Segura Latvian Liaison Ausma Pavulans Nominating Committee Ruth Brunner Zonta Committees D21 Board 2010-2012 D21 Board 2012-2014, Ruth Isaksson A01 missing

9 The Zonta Rose The beauty of a single yellow rose has been Zonta International’s favorite symbol for decades Since 1999 it has been the symbol of the Zonta Rose Day, on the 8th of March – the International Women’s Day!

10 The Story of the Zonta Emblem The origin of the word "Zonta" is from the language of the Sioux Indians. It was adopted in 1919 as the Zonta International name to symbolize the combined qualities of honesty and trust, inspiration and the ability to work together for service and world understanding. The Zonta emblem is an adaptation and composite of several Sioux symbols which, when superimposed, take on a special significance for Zontians.

11 Convention even years District Conferenceodd years Area Meetings D21spring and autumn, except for A01 Club meetingOnce a month Sep. – May District board meetingsAbt. 5 per year Club board meetingsAbt. 8 per year Committee meetings whenever needed, meetings or phone/Skype

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