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ratio percent Write fractions as percents and percents as fractions.

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Presentation on theme: "ratio percent Write fractions as percents and percents as fractions."— Presentation transcript:


2 ratio percent Write fractions as percents and percents as fractions.

3 A comparison of two quantities by division. When a ratio compares a number to 100, it can be written as a percent.

4 45 out of 100 cars are sold 45% $3.30:$100 3.3%


6 You can write a faction as a percent by finding an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100. What you do to the denominator, you must do to the numerator to find the equivalent fraction.

7 15% 8% 100%

8 To write a percent as a fraction, place the number over 100, and simplify.

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