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System Structures and Functions Skin Conditions and Treatments.

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1 System Structures and Functions Skin Conditions and Treatments

2 System Structures and Functions Skin Conditions and Treatments


4 Epidermis : outer most layer of your skin – has 5 stratums (sub-layers) has no blood supply that’s why one can shave without much bleeding top stratum is flaky – it is this that causes dandruff bottom stratum has keratinocytes that produce keratin  make tough protective layer and/or corn bottom stratum also has melanocytes that produce melanin  yellow, brown to black (more melanin = darker skin)  sunlight stimulates the production of melanin to protect DNA from being damaged by sunlight  freckles and moles show where there is high amount of melanin

5 Dermis : inner layer of your skin – has 2 main sub-layers sensitive part of your skin: has oil, nerves, sweat glands etc. long and stretchy to protect your internal organelles  animal dermis is used to make leather goods dermal papillae: make whorl ridges and loops on your hand/feet to increase friction and gripping ability tips of your fingers have sweat pores which mark the dermal papillae pattern to give you your fingerprint on anything you touch

6 Moods of Skin Colours : Redness (erythema): embarrassment (blushing), fever, inflammation or allergy – high blood pressure Pallor (blanching): fear, anger or sick – low blood pressure Yellow (jaundice): liver problem – too much bile circulating Black-and-blue (bruising): blood clotting

7 Sebaceous Gland – skin nightmare?? Oil glands found everywhere except on the palm of hands and feet it keeps skin soft and moist it protects hair from becoming brittle the oil has chemicals that can also kill bacteria Whiteheads = blocked sebaceous gland duct Blackheads = oxidized whiteheads ACNE When the gland gets infected

8 Sweat glands: they are found everywhere heat regulator to keep your body within normal temperature (37 C) sweat: water + salt + metabolic wastes (eg. urea, uric acid  pee ew) Hair: made up of protein, has some keratin in it is a hollow tube

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