“Blue Ribbon” Strategies for Demolition Review Ordinances Nadine Peterson Preservation Planner NH Division of Historical Resources Maggie Stier Field Service.

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Presentation on theme: "“Blue Ribbon” Strategies for Demolition Review Ordinances Nadine Peterson Preservation Planner NH Division of Historical Resources Maggie Stier Field Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Blue Ribbon” Strategies for Demolition Review Ordinances Nadine Peterson Preservation Planner NH Division of Historical Resources Maggie Stier Field Service Representative NH Preservation Alliance

2 What is Demolition Review? Demolition review is a legal tool that provides communities with the means to ensure that potentially significant buildings and structures are not demolished without notice and some level of review by a preservation commission.

3 Why Do Communities Adopt Demolition Review Procedures? Provides “time-out” to evaluate significance of the building, meet with applicant, explore alternatives

4 How Does it Work? A demolition review ordinance can be adopted As an amendment to the building code Implemented as a stand-alone ordinance As a bylaw in an existing historic preservation or zoning ordinance

5  Buildings built before a specific date or all buildings that have attained a certain age on the date the application is filed.  Structures that are visible from a public way  Structures of a certain size What could be reviewed?

6 What Constitutes Demolition? A total demolition is the pulling down, razing or destruction of the entire portion or a building or structure which is above ground regardless of whether another building or structure is constructed within the footprint of the destroyed building or structure.

7 A partial demolition is the pulling down, destruction, or removal of a substantial portion of the building or structure or the removal of architectural elements which define or contribute to the character of the structure.

8 Benefits of Demolition Review: Allows time to evaluate the building’s significance and/ or request a qualified professional to assist. If the building is determined to be historically or architecturally significant, the issuance of the demolition permit is delayed for a specific period of time (30, 60, 90 days or more). During that time, the preservation commission, preservation organizations, concerned citizens, and others may explore alternatives to demolition.

9 Demolition Permit Application Building over 50 yearsBuilding under 50 years HPC Review Building not significant Demolition permit issued Building significant Delay period invoked Building preserved Building documented and demolished Public hearing The Process


11 Alternatives that are often considered: rehabilitating the building with the assistance of tax incentives or other financial assistance adapting the building to a new use removing the building to another site finding a new owner who is willing and able to preserve the building incorporating the building into the owner/applicant’s redevelopment plans and using an alternative site for the owner/applicant’s project

12 What Exceptions May Apply? Many demolition review laws recognize exceptions upon a showing of economic hardship or where the public safety is at stake.

13 Developing Your Town’s Program  Establish an efficient process  Have resources in place which help applicants and/or permitting officials to determine the age and significance of their buildings  Keep the community informed  Don’t make the delay period too short  Give local officials such as the preservation commission the necessary tools to negotiate a solution  Enforce your ordinance

14 Learn from experience in other communities and share your success! Rolfe Barn, Concord

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