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ATLAS Overview Stan Thompson ~22 m ~44m. Inner Detector.

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Presentation on theme: "ATLAS Overview Stan Thompson ~22 m ~44m. Inner Detector."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATLAS Overview Stan Thompson ~22 m ~44m

2 Inner Detector

3 Event Display mini blackhole event fisheye view of x-y plane 1 muon 2 electrons >5 jets

4 Physics Topics QCD Jets Tuning input generator parameters Underlying Events Pile-up b-Physics Long lifetime – displaced vertex reconstruction b-tagging makes extensive use of SCT CP violation and SM tests W,Z High Pt lepton tagging Precision measurements of W mass (Z already well known) t-Physics Decays to b+W Precision mass measurement top factory

5 New Physics Topics Higgs boson(s) Decay mode depends upon actual mass of Higgs Low mass -> bb Higher mass -> WW, ZZ Possible there will be more than one type of Higgs? Supersymmetry May occur at 't' mass scale Many new b-decays...

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