Free Hand Portrait Drawing What you’re learning: – Seeing shadows and light, gaining hand eye coordination – Using deeper, darker shadows and.

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Presentation on theme: "Free Hand Portrait Drawing What you’re learning: – Seeing shadows and light, gaining hand eye coordination – Using deeper, darker shadows and."— Presentation transcript:

1 B6 @home: Free Hand Portrait Drawing What you’re learning: – Seeing shadows and light, gaining hand eye coordination – Using deeper, darker shadows and a range of values all the way to white. – Using charcoal, erasers and white pastel – Creating an intriguing composition with yourself as the focal point (emphasis) – Possibly working with distortion and reflections – Working independently – Maintaining deadlines

2 Assignment: Draw another portrait using a mirror or some other reflective surface. This portrait should show off some of your personality. – Quirky expression? – Objects or areas surrounding you can be meaningful? – Hand placement? – Light source? (can create mysterious shadows!)

3 Step 1: 3 Thumbnail Sketches DUE MONDAY Decide what else will be in the drawing besides yourself, if anything. – Think about the background or objects nearby – Think about where you’re hands are – OVERLAP Avoid “dead space” and floating objects – No “mug shots” – Negative space should be considered. Shadows? Background? Consider the size and shape of the paper when drawing your “frame” of your thumbnail sketch Please note: I will not be “coaching” you during class like last time. Please turn in 3 completed thumbnails on the day they are due.

4 What thumbnails CAN look like Several on 1 sheet of paper – Can be any paper, not just one I give you 3-5” long/tall. Very small! Often have written notes somewhere Loose and quick drawing Can look similar but noticeable differences in layout Main concern is COMPOSITION: how the page is laid out and used.







11 Pick your strongest arrangement/composition

12 Composition Idea: “T” or “Hot Spots” Place an eye or both eyes near these points. You can also have another focal point on one of the spots

13 Step 2: Draft This does not only mean “line drawing.” It means a good start! Put in “figure ground” or tone (graphite stick or charcoal dust…coffee? Tea??) Use a mirror or some kind of reflective surface to draw from. Please don’t use a photograph. – This is meant to look and feel differently than the gridded portraits. Remember “BREADTH” Variety of ability and skills Use “face proportion” handouts & guides provided. This thing called the internet has great videos, visuals and tutorials, too. Proof of progress on to “good paper” DUE WEDNESDAY.

14 Step 3: Build up shadows AVOID OUTLINES. Look for areas of shadows and fill in. Don’t be afraid to get really dark in some of your drawing (contrast!) Use your “kneadable” eraser (grey eraser) to draw the light areas in and to gently blend.











25 This was created with “scratch board.” If you’re interested in trying some out, let me know next week. If you like crosshatching, you may love scratchboard! If you like it after testing it, I can give you a bigger piece.




29 Some other nice artwork. Look at the COMPOSITION and backgrounds! Look. “Purposefully unfinished!”









38 A great sped up watercolor portrait painting Click picture or link

39 Thumbnails Due: MONDAY. Cut your own paper. Draft(a good start) Due: WEDNESDAY This assignment will be printed out in the back of the room and found online for your viewing. NOW: JOURNAL BREAK! Sketch out thumbnails OR paint out/glue pages OR create a quick drawing expressing your favorite song.

40 NOW: JOURNAL BREAK Sketch out thumbnails (in your journal!) OR paint out/glue pages OR create a quick drawing expressing your favorite song. If you still need help cutting or gridding your photograph, we can do that.

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