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Large Taxonomies, Small Footprint Native XBRL Processing/Storage with ABRA/PDOM Thomas Klement, ABZ Informatik, XBRL Germany Konstantin Pussep, Fraunhofer.

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Presentation on theme: "Large Taxonomies, Small Footprint Native XBRL Processing/Storage with ABRA/PDOM Thomas Klement, ABZ Informatik, XBRL Germany Konstantin Pussep, Fraunhofer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Large Taxonomies, Small Footprint Native XBRL Processing/Storage with ABRA/PDOM Thomas Klement, ABZ Informatik, XBRL Germany Konstantin Pussep, Fraunhofer IPSI

2 2006/05/18 13th XBRL International Conference Agenda  ABRA XBRL open source processor  Basic steps of XBRL Processing  Benefits of a persistent XBRL repository  Architecture of ABRA/PDOM  Evalutation results

3 2006/05/18 13th XBRL International Conference Walking on the shoulder of a giant  High-level XBRL processing with XSLT 2.0  Standard-based software development  Rich set of data types and functions  Rule-based XBRL processing  XBRL applications: Publishing Transformation Analysis Validation Data management

4 2006/05/18 13th XBRL International Conference Key benefits of ABRA  Rich set of data types and functions Ca. 120 XBRL functions 16 XBRL instructions  Access to all information located in XBRL documents  Superior processing power compared to 1 st generation XML standards and programming APIs Higher level Better expressive power

5 2006/05/18 13th XBRL International Conference Basics of XBRL processing  XML parsing  XML Schema validation  DTS discovery  Network of Relationship construction  XBRL validation

6 2006/05/18 13th XBRL International Conference Basic steps of XBRL processing XML parsing schema validation DTS discovery NoR construction XBRL validation Initialisation Processing

7 2006/05/18 13th XBRL International Conference Processing Optimisation issues XML parsing schema validation DTS discovery NoR construction XBRL validation Initialisation memory performance

8 2006/05/18 13th XBRL International Conference What are the benefits using a persistent XBRL repository?  Technical issues related to taxonomies Single initialisation, multiple use Subset of XML nodes is loaded into memory Processing outside of database kernel Processing inside of database kernel Large result sets  Technical issues related to instances Element names are indexed (join: concept -> fact)  Novel XBRL applications Small footprint filing applications based on native XBRL taxonomies Processing of multiple taxonomy versions Excessive use of custom linkbases (views) Processing/storage of large XBRL GL instances …

9 2006/05/18 13th XBRL International Conference Architecture of ABRA/PDOM Java Virtual Machine main memory annotations (Apache Xerces J2) ABRA XBRL processor / repository XML DB (Infonyte PDOM) Java APIXML Publishing Servlet CLIGUIBrowser Webservice AJAXOffice…

10 2006/05/18 13th XBRL International Conference Evaluation results  For current evaluation results check

11 2006/05/18 13th XBRL International Conference Contact

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