Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District 5450 Grants Club Qualification Seminar: 2015-16 December 6, 2014. 1.

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1 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District 5450 Grants Club Qualification Seminar: 2015-16 December 6, 2014. 1

2 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Welcome Peter Ewing District Governor 2014-15. 2

3 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Introduction Carolyn Schrader Grants Chair. 3

4 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Training for 2015-16 Club Qualification. 4  District Policies  Grants  District Grants  Global Grants  Humanitarian Projects  Scholarships  Club Qualification

5 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Training for 2015-16 Club Qualification. 5 Introduce the latest policies for Rotary Grants: RI District 5450 Help Clubs become comfortable with grants Share what we know

6 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 The Rotary Foundation. 6

7 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District Foundation Committee 7 Foundation Chair PolioFundraising Annual Giving Points Paul Harris Society Endowment Fund Grants District Grants Humanitarian Projects District Travel -inactive Global Grants Humantarian Projects Vocational Teams Scholars Stewardship District Qualification Club Qualification Financial Assessment Alumni World Peace Fellow

8 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Rotary Direct Web: Easiest and preferred method “Frequency” Handout: Rotary Direct Form Contribution Form: TRF Contribution Form (123) Phone: 1-866-976-8279 8

9 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Rotary District 5450 Ambassadorial Scholarships 9 Adams Price Scholarship Committee

10 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Scholarship Program Background THEN  Oldest program of TRF (1947)  40,000 scholars from 150 nations  75++ scholars from D5450 10 NOW  New program of DISTRICT  Global Grant  2013 was inaugural year

11 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 What Does Scholarship Cover? $30,000 to be used to defray costs associated with:  Round-trip transportation  Tuition  Room and board  Educational supplies 11

12 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Areas of Focus – Global Grants Candidates must have a past, present AND future in: 1.Promoting Peace 2.Fighting Disease 3.Providing Clean Water 4.Maternal and Child Health 5.Supporting Education 6.Growing Local Economies 12 1.Architecture & related (Temple Buell)

13 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Other Key Requirements  Will use to study abroad  Graduate level  Funds spent during Rotary year  Work, school or residence in District 5450  NOT Rotarian, or within 2 generations in past 3 years  Rotary Host in study region  Reporting requirements same as other Global Grants 13

14 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Process & Timing Spring 2015Clubs Begin Recruitment Fall 2015Pre Qualification Form Fall 2015Full Application Winter 2015Interviews Winter 2015University Acceptance & Global Grant Application Winter 2015Global Grant Award Spring 2016Pre Departure Training 14

15 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 What Can You Do? CLUB  Identify & sponsor scholar candidates  Publicize  Become the Program Chair for your club 15 DISTRICT  Outreach  Social Media  Interviews  Orientation  Grant Administration

16 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District 5450 Grant Policies 2015 - 2016 December 6, 2014 Kevin W. O’ Connell - DGE. 16

17 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District Grants Goals 2015-16  Deliver highly effective and innovative service projects  Engage more Clubs in the District Grants program  Establish equitable criteria to determine eligibility to apply for grants  Have measurable project objectives 17

18 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Recurring Challenges for the District  Encourage larger, more impactful projects  Matching funds available for grants are directly tied to TRF giving levels year over year  Limits on amount and purpose of grants 18

19 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Challenges for the District (continued)  Need for flexibility and equity when allocating matching funds  Establishment of best practices and keeping on par with practices used by other Districts in Zone 21b/27 19

20 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Change to Meet District Goals To reflect each Club’s commitment to The Rotary Foundation, District has set a new qualification requirement: Minimum annual Club per capita giving of $50 to the Annual Fund 20

21 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Change to Meet District Goals  Status based on current year for 2015- 2016 qualification  Each Club’s giving will be reported monthly in District Newsletter  Three year exception for new clubs  Special calculation for Clubs with Satellite Groups 21

22 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Additional Changes for District Grants  Elimination of first come first serve policy  Other changes discussed in District Grant presentation 22

23 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Grant Policies 2015-2016 – In Conclusion  Aligned with principles of the 4-Way Test (fairness, equity, beneficial)  A shift in emphasis to encourage more Clubs to participate in District Grants 23

24 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District Grants 24 Presented by Diane Messamore

25 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Club initiated and hands on short-term Rotary projects that benefit underserved groups of people 25 District 5450 District Grants

26 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District Grants Goals 2015-16  More Clubs participating  More equitable way to allocate District match  Link between TRF giving and grants 26

27 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Changes to Meet District Goals  Elimination of first come first served  Lower maximum DDF per Club  Additional engagement with clubs that have not previously participated 27

28 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District Grants Requirements  Hands on participation by sponsoring Clubs  Local or international projects that meet identified community needs  Goals that are specific and measurable  Focus on new projects, not long term maintenance 28

29 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Grant Requirements International District Grants  Project will help in development of a future Global Grant  D5450 Rotarians actively participate at the project site 29

30 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District Grant Limitations Not eligible for funding:  Microcredit  Vocational travel teams  Scholarships  Youth Exchange, RYLA, etc.  Building construction 30

31 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 DDF for District Grants 2015-16  Maximum DDF for each Club  $2,500 total for all projects  Maximum per project:  $2,500 if one Club;  $3,250 for two clubs  $4,000 for three or more Clubs  No additional match from TRF 31

32 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Repeat Projects For projects that were done in 2014-15, and repeated in 2015-16, DDF will be reduced: 65% in second year of the project 35% in third year No DDF in fourth year. 32

33 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District Grant Application 2015-16  Elimination of First Come First Serve  Grants Subcommittee members can help in early stages  Submit draft applications for 2015-16 year between May 8 and May 22, 2015 33

34 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District Grant Application 2015-16  District advises on necessary changes  Final budget and other Club financial commitments due July 1  Total DDF available per Club is $2,500 34

35 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District Grant Application 2015-16  Club may submit two or more applications, ranked by importance (1,2,3)  Eligible applications pooled by rank  Grants awarded by pool  Pro rata award if insufficient matching funds for pool 35

36 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District Grant Requirements Club Qualification 2015-16  Lead Club need not be qualified when submitting draft  Lead Club confirms qualification before July 1, including $50 per capita giving  Grant awards announced by mid July 36

37 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District Grant Reporting  Report required 2 months after completion; no later than May 31, 2016  Must report any implementation delays  No new grant if club is late in reporting. 37

38 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District Grant Reporting  What was accomplished  How many Rotarians participated and what did they do  Spending and funding summary  Include any Non-grant funds and in kind donations  Report volunteer hours 38

39 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District Grant Reporting  Complete receipts required  Documentation on how vendors were chosen and equipment identified  Rotary signage and branding  Bank statements showing all grant fund transactions 39

40 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 40 A Successful District Grant  Has active Rotarian involvement  Is a collaboration with the community, including the underserved beneficiaries  Has good documentation  Is part of a long-term relationship with the beneficiary

41 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 41 Best Practices for District Grants  Set next year’s club service project budget  Adopt process for deciding grant support  Consider proposals from project champions  Choose the best projects  Submit application to District

42 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Thank you 42

43 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Let’s take a break 43

44 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Oversight Reporting Club Qualification 44 Tom Wolf Chair, Stewardship Committee

45 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Purpose Understand how to manage a Rotary Foundation grant Learn stewardship expectations Prepare clubs to implement the memorandum of understanding Qualify clubs to receive grant funds 45

46 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Successful Grant Projects Meet community needs Have frequent partner communication Have implementation plan Are sustainable Practice proper stewardship of funds 46

47 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Stewardship Stewardship is the responsible management and oversight of grant funds, including: Standard business practices Rotarian supervision Financial records review Oversight of funds Reporting of irregularities Timely submission of reports 47

48 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Oversight and Reporting 48

49 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Learning Objectives Identify best practices for managing funds and record keeping Identify which documents need to be retained Understand reporting requirements 49

50 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Financial Management Plan Bank account for funds Distributing funds Use checks/bank cards to track funds Detailed ledger Include local laws 50

51 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Resources Document retention worksheet Financial management plan worksheet Transferring custody of a bank account More on 51

52 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Document Retention Provide access Retain for a minimum of five years Make copies 52

53 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Conflict of Interest Exists when a Rotarian benefits financially or personally from a grant Benefit can be direct (the Rotarian benefits) or indirect (an associate of the Rotarian benefits) 53

54 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Grant Reporting Reporting on a regular basis is a requirement for all Rotary Grants A Club will not be eligible to sponsor an addition Grant if reporting is not current on all open Rotary Grants 54

55 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District Grant Reports Final Report no later than May 31 or within two months after completion of grant, whichever is earlier. Interim Reporting required every two months from May 31 if grant completion is delayed. 55

56 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Global Grant Reports Progress reports Within 12 months of first payment Every 12 months through the life of the grant Final report within 2 months of completion 56

57 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Qualification 57

58 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Learning Objectives Understand qualification requirements Manage club qualification 58

59 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Qualification Requirements Attend a grant management seminar-President or Appointee Agree to club memorandum of understanding and submit signed MOU to district Submit current filed IRS Form 990 to District All Grant Reporting Current 59

60 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Additional Requirement effective 2015-16 Club must meet, in previous Rotary year, minimum $50 per capita giving to TRF Giving to Annual Fund only Special rules for new/ Satellite Clubs Club can track through monthly District reports 60

61 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Terms of Qualification Valid for one year Club responsibility for grant funds Disclose conflicts of interest Cooperate with all audits Use grant funds properly Implement the club MOU 61

62 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Maintaining Qualification Follow terms of club MOU Appoint club member/committee to manage club qualification Fully implement stewardship practices to prevent misuse of funds 62

63 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 63

64 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Club Qualification Chair  PDG Dave Beall  8081 South Albion Street  Centennial, CO 80122  720.851.1414  Fax 720.851.0816  Cell 303.981.2756  E-mail 64

65 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Stewardship Chair  Tom Wolf  303.628.3670  Fax 303.623.2062  E-mail 65

66 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Thank you 66

67 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District 5450 Global Grants 67 Presented by Carolyn Schrader

68 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Sustainable Rotary projects that benefit underserved groups of people 68 District 5450 Global Grants

69 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Global Grants  Partnership of Qualified Clubs  Both Clubs must be qualified  Project in one of 6 Areas of Focus  Needs Assessment  Sustainable and measureable 69

70 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 DDF for Global Grants  $10,000 maximum DDF for each Club  Maximum per project: $10,000 if one Club; $12,500 if two Clubs, and $15,000 for three or more Clubs 70

71 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 71 Global Grant Financing  DDF matched 100% from TRF  Cash matched 50% from TRF  Non-Rotarians also matched by TRF  Up to a 3 ½ to 1 match  Minimum project: $35,000

72 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 72 Minimum Budget Project: Water and Sanitation in Kenya  5450 Clubs Funding $10,000  Host Club Funding $ 0  District Match (DDF) $10,000  Rotary Match $15,000  Total Project $35,000

73 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Areas of Focus Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Disease Prevention and Treatment Water and Sanitation Maternal and Child Health Basic Education and Literacy Economic and Community Development 73

74 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 74 Key Steps for a Global Grant 1.Community Assessment 2.Host Rotary Club 3.Collaboration to develop the project 4.Budget and timeline

75 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 75 Key Steps for a Global Grant 5.Find funding 6.Send Pre-application to District 7.Apply on line 8.Work with TRF to meet requirements

76 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 76 Needs Assessment  Host Club should conduct assessment  Choose a project that is doable and eligible for Rotary funds  Evaluate community resources and integrate them in the project  Include the community in the planning

77 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Conflict of Interest Exists when a Rotarian benefits financially or personally from a grant Benefit can be direct (the Rotarian benefits) or indirect (an associate of the Rotarian benefits) 77

78 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 78 Project Planning  Form a three-person grant committee  Assign responsibilities  Develop an implementation plan  Create a budget  Establish a document retention plan  Disclose potential conflicts of interest

79 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 79 Setting Goals  Measurable  Sustainable  Qualitative (descriptive)  Quantitative (numeric)  Identify baseline data source

80 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 80 Sustainability Sustainable projects have continued impact after the funds are spent. They:  Meet community needs  Develop community ownership of the project to create long-term change  Make optimal use of local resources  Increase capacity in assets and knowledge

81 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 81 Sustainability Questions  What do you need?  What is necessary to meet that need? What can you do? How can we help you?  How can we make it last? New skills? Ways to generate income to support the project Other resources?

82 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 82 Creating a Budget  Realistic  Competitive bidding  Can include 10% for project management  Can have 10% contingency  Up to $500 for project signage

83 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 District 5450 Review Process  Pre-Application to District for review first  Assistance in the planning/concept stage  Work jointly with District Grant Advisor to meet TRF requirements  Pre-Application form and Grant Advisor contacts on the District 5450 website 83

84 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 84 Applying for Global Grants  Online application  Rolling deadline  Project Rotarians must be identified  Clubs must be qualified for authorization  Minimum budget of US $35,000

85 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Global Grant Application  Identify community needs Reference community assessment  Describe activities and outcomes  Connect project to an area of focus  Show how Rotarians will be involved 85

86 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Global Grant Application  Detailed plan and budget  Do not show DDF until District approves amount of DDF  How activity is sustainable  How outcomes will be measured  Evaluation reporting to be provided 86

87 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Finances and Recordkeeping  Separate Club Bank account for each grant  Receipts for all expenditures  Detailed ledger  Five year retention; can be electronic  Accessible to Club members  District will provide on-line storage 87

88 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 88 Global Grant Reports On line reporting  Progress reports  First due within 12 months of payment  Prudent to accelerate first report  Document progress to date  Show spending for receipted expenses  All reports require 4 authorizations

89 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 89 Global Grant Reports: Frequency  Progress reports  Within 12 months of first payment  Every 12 months thereafter  Final report within 2 months of completion  Reports require receipts over $75

90 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 90 Global Grants  Material included in handout and on District website   More information on Rotary website  In My Rotary  Under The Rotary Foundation, or  Learning and Reference

91 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Thank you 91

92 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Foundation Funding Model 92 Presented by Carolyn Schrader

93 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16  Model: Investment income for first 3 years after contributions received is used to fund expenses  Since 2009, operating expenses paid from World Fund  Time to develop a new model 93 Current Foundation Funding For Operating Expenses

94 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16  Effective July 1, 2015  Administrative Charges on cash contributions: 5% on contributions to Annual Fund 5% on pass-throughs for Global Grants 10% or less on certain corporate gifts  Not PolioPlus or Endowments 94 New Foundation Funding For Operating Expenses

95 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 95 Current Foundation Funding Cash from Rotarian Your contributions to TRF:  50% to Annual Fund  50% held in separate account for 3 years After 3 years: available to District as DDF

96 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 $100 to TRF $50 to Annual Fund $5 to Funding Reserve $45 stays in Annual Fund$50 to DDF $50 Available to District 96 Foundation Funding Model Cash from Rotarian

97 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 97 Foundation Funding Model Club Payment to Global Grant $100 Club commitment to Grant$100 Administrative Charge$ 5 Total Club Payment$105 Contributions direct to Grant Project Account do not incur Admin Charge, but  No Paul Harris credit  Likely wire and currency fees

98 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Impact of Pass-Through  Cash contributions require additional 5% payment  Both Club and Rotarian contributions  Paul Harris points awarded on full contribution  Full contribution deductible to donor  Likely 6 weeks+ delay on receipt of funds 98

99 Grants Club Qualification Seminar 2015-16 Impact of Sending Funds to Project Account  No additional 5% payment  Wire transfer and currency fees  No Paul Harris points awarded  Full contribution deductible to donor  Funds sent (after Grant approval) immediately available for project 99

100 District Assembly June 2014  Annual Fund Contributions from D5450  50% returned to D5450 in 3 years (DDF)  45% to the TRF World Fund  District Grants use DDF (up to 50%)  Global Grants use:  Remaining DDF, and  TRF Funds from Rotarians worldwide Sources of the Rotary Match 100

101 District Assembly June 2014 Thank you Next: Return on Rotary

102 District Assembly June 2014 What to do? Decide what works best for your Club

103 District Assembly June 2014 Return on Rotary Showing the impact of Service Above Self Peter Ewing

104 District Assembly June 2014  All humanitarian or youth service activities  Collecting information for  2013-2014  2014-2015  Accessible data base for Rotarians  Info on: Cash and in-kind donations Volunteer hours Return on Rotary 104

105 District Assembly June 2014 Return on Rotary 105

106 District Assembly June 2014 Thank you for joining us today Service Above Self

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