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Land Magnetometer Training Course

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Presentation on theme: "Land Magnetometer Training Course"— Presentation transcript:

1 Land Magnetometer Training Course
Magnetic Theory ½ day Hardware (G858/AP) ¼ day Software (MagMap / MagPick) ¼ day Hardware setup (858 and GPS) ½ day Survey ½ day Processing ½ day Review ½ day Slide

2 Geometrics, Inc. Premier Manufacturer of Land Magnetometers

3 GEOMETRICS MAGNETOMETERS- tools for exploration
Applications: • Map Geology for Mining, Oil/Gas Exploration • Environmental Survey for Tanks, Barrels • Locate Utilities, Pipelines • Military Uses, UXO-EOD, De-mining • Archaeology • Used in Land-Marine-Airborne Surveys

4 GEOMETRICS: a 30-year history of building magnetometers
1969: G-801 & G-803 marine and airborne proton magnetometers 1971: G-806 land and marine proton magnetometer 1973: G-816 portable proton magnetometer 1977: G-826 portable digital magnetometer 1981: G-856 portable memory magnetometer 1983: G-811 marine magnetometer 1991: G-822L military magnetometer 1992: G-825 military diver-held magnetometer 1992: G-822A airborne cesium magnetometer 1995: G-858 portable cesium magnetometer 1996: G-880 marine cesium magnetometer 1997: G-823A airborne cesium magnetometer with counter 1998: G-881 marine light-weight cesium magnetometer 2003: G-882 marine cesium magnetometer 2005: G-859 cesium mining magnetometer 2009: UAV, AUV testing 2013: G-860 land cesium magnetometer 2014: G-862RBS cesium base station

5 Magnetometer Configurations

6 UXO Magnetometer Configurations

7 Sensor Noise – Spin analysis

8 Sensor Noise – Tumble Analysis

9 Sensor Noise – Various Motions

10 Earth’s Magnetic Field Diagram

11 Earth’s Magnetic Field – Solar effects
Earth’s Magnetic Field: detection of magnetic anomalies Earth’s Magnetic Field – Solar effects Earth’s dipole (N-S) magnetic field is produced by internal iron core dynamo effect. Charged particles from the sun cause a bow shock wave in the magnetosphere which leads to Diurnal Variations Earth’s dipole magnetic field is perturbed by relatively localized contrasts in magnetization. Magnetization contrasts are caused by ferrous debris, vessels, pipelines, communication cables, magnetic minerals (predominantly magnetite). With magnetometers, one can measure the total field to detect the magnetic anomalies associated with contrasts.

12 Earth’s Total Magnetic Field

13 Earth’s Magnetic Inclination

14 Diurnal Variations

15 Optional Diurnal / Base Station Monitor
Use either G-858 or G-856 Magnetometers Monitor Magnetic Diurnal Variations Magnetometer in fixed location Synchronized clocks 1-30 second sample rate Use for correction of survey data Produce more accurate magnetic maps



18 Sensor Dead Zone Diagram

19 Sensor Diagrams - CSAZ

20 Sensor Dead Zone – 0 Degree Tilt

21 Sensor Dead Zone – 45 Degree Tilt

22 Results of Survey profile width

23 Anomaly patterns as a result of Inclination

24 Anomaly width versus depth

25 Depth estimate

26 Nomogram

27 Anomalies of common objects

28 Vertical Gradient Applications

29 Wearing the G-858

30 Gradiometer Transverse Layout

31 Standard Survey Acquisition
Swath Spacing

32 GPS Differential Corrections
Coast Guard Beacon OmniStar (On shore only without special license) Racal (On shore only without special license) RTCM RTK Known Antenna and Satellite positions and frequencies

33 Data Processing Software – Magmap 2000

34 Software capabilities
Import G-858 magnetometer (1 or 2 sensors) Convert GPS Lat / Long to UTM XY coordinates Correct for GPS offset from Magnetometer sensor Perform Spike filtering Import G-858 or G-856 base station data Merge Base Station data with survey Data Export in Surfer or Geosoft format

35 MagMap 2000 Destripping tool

36 Surfer Software Capabilities
Windows based program for professional displays Grid and contour G-858 data Display sample locations on contour map Various types of displays for interpretation Export Windows Metafile and ASCII grid files for MagAID

37 Surfer Displays – Ft. Ross

38 Stanford Base Map

39 Surfer 3 dimensional display

40 Stanford shaded relief

41 Stanford Magnetic Contour Map

42 MagPick – Filtering theory

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