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MATH 6 – Monday, September 28 Objective: I will be able to divide fractions using the divisor’s reciprocal and simplifying to solve real world problems.

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Presentation on theme: "MATH 6 – Monday, September 28 Objective: I will be able to divide fractions using the divisor’s reciprocal and simplifying to solve real world problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 MATH 6 – Monday, September 28 Objective: I will be able to divide fractions using the divisor’s reciprocal and simplifying to solve real world problems. HOMEWORK: 1.Finish Worksheet 2. Study Island: Quarter 1/Math 6/ Assessment DUE WED. 9/30 Reminders: This is the last Monday before TRACK OUT!!!!! Agenda: 1.Check Homework 2.Quiz: Dividing Fractions Exit Ticket 3.Interactive Notebook: Dividing Fractions 4. WS: What did Mrs. Snerd Say?

2 MATH 6 – Tuesday, September 29 Objective: I will be able to divide fractions using the divisor’s reciprocal and simplifying to solve real world problems. HOMEWORK: NONE Agenda: 1.Check HW 2.Quiz on Dividing Fractions Exit Ticket 3.WS: Boxed Word Problems Reminders: COMPLETE STUDY ISLAND ASSIGNMENT

3 MATH 6 – Wednesday, September 30 Objective: I will be able to relax and not forget all the information my teachers have taught me while I’m on TRACK OUT !!!!! HOMEWORK: 1.Help out around the house!!! Agenda: 1.Sleep 2.Rest 3.Read 4.Watch Ms. Watkins’ Videos 5.Be kind to others Reminders: Have a GREAT TRACK OUT!!!!

4 MATH 6 – Thursday, October Objective: Homework: Agenda: 1. Reminders: Have a GREAT DAY!!!

5 MATH 6 – Friday, October Objective: Homework: Agenda: Reminders: Have a GREAT WEEKEND !!!

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