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CHAPTER 3 PRACTICE MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY. electrocardiography Process of recording the electrical impulses of the heart.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 3 PRACTICE MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY. electrocardiography Process of recording the electrical impulses of the heart."— Presentation transcript:


2 electrocardiography Process of recording the electrical impulses of the heart

3 Otoscopy Examination of the outer ear

4 angiorrhaphy Suture of a vessel

5 mammoplasty Surgical repair of the breast

6 cardiomegaly Enlargement of the heart

7 encephalotomy Incision of the brain

8 colopexy Surgical fixation of the colon

9 ophthalmalgia pain in the eye


11 blepharedema Swelling of the eyelids

12 calcipenia Deficiency of calcium

13 neurolysis Destruction of a nerve

14 cryotherapy Treatment by using cold

15 otodynia Pain in the ear

16 otorrhea Discharge from the ear

17 neuromuscular Pertaining to the nerves and muscles

18 tracheotomy Incision made into the trachea

19 colorraphy Suture of the colon

20 chiroplasty Plastic surgery of the hand

21 Colonoscopy/coloscopy Examination of the lining of the colon with a special instrument

22 opthalmomalacia Abnormal softness of the eye

23 neurolysis Loosening of adhesions surrounding a nerve

24 symptom Subjective evidence perceived by the patient

25 sign Definite evidence of an illness

26 Palpitation, inspection, percussion, auscultation Feel, see tap, listen

27 Fluoroscopy Method of viewing images in real time so that motion can be seen.

28 calcipenia Deficiency of calcium

29 endoscopy Visual inspection of a cavity of the body by means of an..

30 catheter Hollow flexible tube that can be inserted into a cavity of the body to withdraw or instill fluids, perform tests, or visualize a vessel or cavity.

31 ambulent A person who is able to walk

32 MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging

33 therapeutic Pertaining to therapy or treatment

34 chemotherapy Treatment of disease by chemical agents

35 amniocentesis Surgical puncture of the amnion, the thin membrane that surrounds the fetus during pregnancy.

36 adhesions Fibrous structures that form when two structures abnormally attach to each other

37 echocardiogram Record produced by an ultrasound of the heart

38 analgesic Drug that relieves pain

39 neurectomy Excision (surgical removal) of a nerve

40 ophthalmotomy Incision of the eye

41 adenectomy Excision of a gland

42 encephalotome Instrument used for incision (cutting into) of the brain

43 tracheostomy Create an opening into the trachea through which a tube may be inserted

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